Part 7: The Planeptune Prelude

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(Gonna be a set up to the next arc. FYI, if you thought Alex had suffered enough through the massacre, then OH BOY is he gonna suffer more!)

"Oh come on Alex. Why have such a long face?" Said Noire as he was in Alex's room.

After Alex's incident at the 5th Laboratory, he ended up suffering, as Envy had said, a ton of blood loss and a deep stab wound on his torso where Slicer's body had cut him.

He currently had bandages over his forehead, over his left shoulder, and over his torso to cover the wounds.

"Oh, you know why." Said Alex to Noire.

"And the reason is?"

"Well, maybe if you'd STOP feeding me your damn porridge then I'd be happy! I'm injured here not sick!"

"Oh! Well, if SOMEONE hadn't disobeyed my orders, then you wouldn't have gotten hurt! So suck it up!"

Alex groaned.

Noire knew that since his torso cut was deep, it couldn't handle heavy foods so she knew that porridge was the safest option to make even though she had given Alex the damn thing for the last 5 days.

"How much longer?"

"Hm, about 1 more week."


"Oh no no no! Don't your forget, this!" She had pulled up Alex's wrist to show he had a wrist monitor that detected his location.

"Remember Alex! I had to punish you so treat this as being grounded! After you heal when this week is over, you got two extra weeks under house arrest! If you EVER leave Lastation borders, I WILL come and find you thanks to this wrist monitor! Got it!?"

"Y-Yes ma'am!" Alex fearfully said.

Noire sighed and smiled as she whispered quietly. "You idiot. You had me worried. I was so scared when I saw you unconscious and bloody."

"Hm? What'd you say?"

"N-Nothing! Just forget it!"

"I knew you'd say something like that." Said Alex cashing Noire to blush.

Noire then sat down on Alex's bed and placed her hands on her cheeks causing Alex to blush.


"Alex. I, feel like I can be honest with you, just this once. W-When I saw you, I was so scared. You were so bloody. Please, don't go and do dangerous stuff on your own. I, wouldn't be able to live with myself if you got severely hurt under my care. You have me and Uni to rely on, so, please, let us help you."

"R-Right. Will do."

Both of them were sporting massive blushes as Noire gently hugged Alex as he hugged her back.

They both stayed like that for a minute until Noire smiled at him and left.

Alex just watched her leave and smiled as he laid down.

3 Weeks Later

"So, what'd you need me for Histoire?"

Alex was currently in Noire's office as she had told him to come since Histoire had called him.

"Hello Alex. Um, I heard about what happened back at the old abandoned 5th Laboratory. Are you alright? I heard it suddenly collapsed."

"Yeah I'm fine. I ended up passing out before the building collapsed. Anyways, my wounds healed up and I just finished serving my house arrest for Noire so what'd you want?"

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