Part 3: The Massacre

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Time: 12:00 A.M.

Location: Lastation Slums

'I don't know what's gonna hurt more. Their pain, or mine.'

Alex thought to himself quietly, as he stood on a hill overlooking the Slums, his home.

After what Bradley had told him, he knew what needed to be done. He knew it pain him to do it, but, there was no other choice.

This was the way.

Alex pondered over why things had to be this way.

At first, the slums were content with their lifestyle. Being separated from mainland Lastation meant a more carefree life style unlike how it was in mainland Lastation.

However, the slums knew that they still gave Black Heart power due to them still being a part of Lastation, however, the more and more Black Heart neglected them, the more furious they got.

The amount of weapons they had proved they were ready for civil war.

Alex sighed, knowing it was too late to then back now.

He walked up to the front gate, the entrance to the slums.

He stared at it the the gate for a bit before putting on his mask, and disappearing from sight

He stared at it the the gate for a bit before putting on his mask, and disappearing from sight

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wo guards stood there as some sort  guards as they let the people come in and out. When they saw Alex under his mask, they immediately were on guard.

"Hey! What're you doing kid!? We're way past visiting hours!" One of them said. "Yeah! Get lost!" The other said.

Little did they know, it be their last words ever said.

In a flash, both were immediately sliced in half. Alex's sword already has blood on it.

And there'd be many more waiting.

'Okay. Guards are down. The watch towers are next, then the police station.

Alex knew just heading into this blind would be a death wish.

So, he made a plan to eliminate all emergency dispatch intel first like the gate guards and watch towers. Once they were gone, no one could alert the police, and then they'd be blind for Alex's oncoming assault.

So, Alex immediately ran up a wall avoiding the spotlights and when he reached the top, he quietly and swiftly eliminate all 8 watch towers and the men controlling them.

He then turned off the power so the light's infrared cameras wouldn't detect him.

"Okay. The eyes in the sky are gone. Time for the final procedure before the blood flows." He said.

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