Part 9: Lost Souls

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(Gonna be another long one! Hooray!)

Later That Night

Alex laid down on his bed in the Planeptune Basilicom.

Since he was gonna stay for a while, Histoire had already prepared the guest room for him.

Alex stared outside his window looking at the moon light as he was lost in thought.

'Those two, back at the 5th Laboratory, they were Homunculi cause of their Ouroborus Tattoos. Why did they hide what Slicer was gonna say? And what do they mean when they say I'm a valuable resource?'

Alex chuckled and ruffled his hair to calm down.

'All this thinking combined with my current research on the stone is making me blow a vessel.'

He thought as he laid back down right when Nepgear had opened the door.

"Hey Alex? You still up?" She asked as she sat on the edge of his bed as she now wore a purple nightgown instead of her usual sailor uniform.

"Yeah. My head is too full from all the stuff I learned back at Tucker's place." He said.

"Yeah. Hey Alex?"

"Yeah. What is it Gear?"

She placed her hand on his cheek.

"Get some sleep. You shouldn't worry. Your smart and determined. You'll find out the truth about the stone. I'm sure about it."

"Yeah. Maybe." He said as he gently removed Nepgear's hand as she told him goodnight before she left.

Alex just laid there, now with more confidence.

"Nepgear's right. I shouldn't overwork myself." He said with a smile as he turned to his side and slept.

Elsewhere That Night

"Don't move. Me killing you is just part of God's judgement."

Screams were heard in a dark alleyway as a body was slumped.

The body was one of a State Alchemist, as out from the alleyway came out the tall dark skinned man Alex had saw the previous day.

"All these State Alchemists, must perish." The man said as he left the alleyway, holding a picture of Alex.

The Next Day

The grandfather clock was rocking back and forth in Tucker's library room as Alex sat in the middle of a pile of books as he was busy reading one while Nepgear was standing in front of a shelf also reading a book.

Out of the corner of Nepgear's eye, Nina poked her head out to look at Nepgear which she noticed causing Nina to immediately hide, but, she then came back and smiled at her.

As Alex was reading, he heard Nina's laughs. "Huh?" He stood up and went to where he hears the laughs as he saw Nepgear with Nina on her shoulders.

"Wee! Way up high!" Said Nepgear as she hopped around with Nina on her shoulders.

"Hey Nepgear! The hell are you doing!? Your supposed to be reading!" Said an annoyed Alex.

"A-Alex!? U-Um, it looked like Nina wanted to play. I couldn't say no."

"Well, in case you've forgotten, we didn't come here to play horsey." He said as he noticed a shadow loom over him again.

"Huh!? AAH!" He shouted as Nina's dog, Alexander, had landed on top of him again as Alex laid flat on the floor as the dog was on top.

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