"Yeah," Ruth affirmed. "And they turned out to be Hydra. He told me he went to Rumlow."

Natasha nodded. "I'm sorry to hear that," she said softly.

"Thank you," Ruth replied, surprised by the sympathy. Ruth had to get something off of her chest. "I have to ask you; if he, Ryker, came to SHIELD, the real SHIELD, with that information, would you have killed him?" A hesitation was in Ruth's voice.

Natasha paused. "No. At least, if it were up to me."

Ruth looked down to her hands.

"He risked his life to give that information away, to try and save people. I think that deserves to be rewarded," Natasha continued.

Ruth looked back up at Natasha. "I just wish it was me instead," Ruth said quietly. Immediately regret filled her. She should have never said that.

"I understand," Natasha replied. "Unfortunately." A small grin emerged on Natasha's face, "As much as I hate to admit it, we're a lot alike."

Ruth chuckled. "Who would've thought we would ever be working for the same team?"

Natasha gave a soft laugh before standing up. "And, Ruth," she continued.

Ruth looked at her, waiting for the question.

"Do you know what was in those files that Ryker gave them?" Natasha asked.

Ruth shook her head. "I don't. Every time we collected intel, it went to Ma'am directly. The only time I saw anything was if She specifically told me to read it."

Natasha nodded in acknowledgement. "I just wonder why Hydra thought those files were so important."

"I've wondered for years now why the Woman who ran our facility thought those files were important enough to abandon ship," Ruth said.

"What do you mean?" Natasha asked.

"When Hydra found out about the files, they raided the facility. And Ma'am, the woman who raised me, panicked. She evacuated the place and tried to leave before Hydra stepped a foot inside." Ruth bit her lip, "Sometimes I regret killing her before she was able to leave. It leaves me with so many questions unanswered."

Natasha furrowed her brows. "Why would she be worried about Hydra invading the facility? I thought she worked with them?"

Ruth paused, she had wondered for herself these same questions, but it never clicked how odd this all was. Ruth shook her head, "I don't know. At first I thought she was scared because it was SHIELD, but if Hydra was taking over SHIELD, and that was Hydra, why didn't they just let her know they were coming?" Ruth contemplated out loud.

Natasha stayed silent, trying to connect the dots to a puzzle she didn't have all the pieces for.

"She must have been hiding something from them. From everyone," Ruth continued.

Natasha looked up at Ruth, both of them seeming to come to an agreement. "We need to find out what the hell was in those files."

Bucky tried to loosen the bow tie around his neck, the pressure making it feel like there was a knot in his throat. He did not miss this about wearing a tux. His hair was even slicked back with gel, making it look shorter than it had in years.

"Ok, start testing," Steve said to him, holding a comm system that would go in the surveillance van.

Bucky proceeded test his ear piece, making sure he could be heard and that Steve heard him.

"Sounds good," Steve confirmed, taking off the headphones and placing them down on the table in front of him.

Bucky just waited for Ruth now. He wondered if she felt as funny dressing up for a gala as he did. It especially felt weird to wear gloves on both hands to disguise his metal one. He just hoped no one thought he was odd.

"I think we're ready to go," Natasha announced, stepping out of the room Ruth changed in, Ruth following behind her.

Ruth walked out, her heels clicking across the floor as she put in her earrings that Natasha told her could act as electric charges if thrown on someone.

Bucky's heart fluttered, feeling warmth suddenly flood to his cheeks. He had never seen Ruth like this. "Ruth, you look...great," He told her, fumbling his words. A sunlight seemed to reflect through her eyes and shine delicately on her skin. Was there sunlight in here?

Ruth glanced over at Bucky as he spoke, not expecting that kind of comment. She studied him in his tux, fitting him much nicer than she expected. A warmth rose in her chest. "...Thanks," she replied. "You look pretty good in a tux."

Bucky grinned, and Ruth felt warmth suddenly rush to her face.

"Okay..." Sam interjected. "Should we head out?"

Steve looked to Ruth and Bucky, the two of them nodding.

"Alright team," Steve affirmed. "Let's go." 

Buzzkill: The ReckoningWhere stories live. Discover now