The Girl With Orange Hair

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*Third POV*

It was a beautiful sunny day in the city of Constastia. Sinbad has just arrived at the docks where his boss and several others were waiting. In his small boat, he had only one basket full of fish from his catching of the day. The sun was beginning to set, and the day is transitioning to its nightly event of beautiful woman, drinking, and many more.

"Sinbad, we need to speak with you."

"Yes?" The older man crosses his arms as Sinbad looked at him innocently.

"Recently you haven't been making as many catches as you normally do."

"I know, but every day the numbers are different and-"

"Listen, your a good kid. I don't want to crush your hopes, but the number of catches you've been making has been going down for the past few weeks. So I went looking around and found a good group of fishermen who have been doing a great job."

"W-What?" The man rests his hand on Sinbad's shoulder.

"I'm sorry I have to do this to you, but my sales have been going down, and these guys have bigger numbers and better catches. The best I can do is give you your last check and wish you the best of luck." The man pulls out a small pouch of silver and bronze coins. Sinbad looks at it sadly.

"Thank you, sir. Have a good night."

"Goodnight, Sinbad. Good luck." Sinbad left the dock and wandered throughout the streets. The sun now is setting, and the streets began to empty.

"I need to get home. Mom's probably getting worried."

Sinbad begins to walk in the direction of his village. After making a few turns, he is met with a group of men blocking the road. He then notices several others begin to surround him, wielding swords and knives.

"Give is everything you have and you'll leave here alive."

"Come on, boys. Let's not act rash. I'm only a simple poor boy. What sort of value would I have?" One man steps forward, pointing his sword to Sinbad's face.

"Bullshit! I saw that old man give you a nice pouch full of money. So hand it over." Sinbad sighs and rubs the bridge of his nose.

"Seems like we're going to have to do this the hard way, huh?"
Sinbad kicks the sword out of the man's hand and grabs it in the air. He kicks in the man in the gut as he tries to punch him. He falls and more begins to charge at Sinbad. Sinbad is relentless. He blocks many swords and the bandits just keep coming. Sinbad has only been able to handle half of them. Sinbad was now out of breath and more men kept coming.

"So this is the little brat that's causing trouble?" Their boss was a heavy man with a scar on his face and several more on his arms. He pulls out his sword and Sinbad lunges at him. The man defects his attack and throws him to the ground, knocking the sword out of his hand. "Say goodbye, brat!" He raises his sword over his head to strike Sinbad dead. He closes his eyes, waiting for the pain, but it never came.

Sinbad opens his eyes to he a hooded figure in a long brown cloak. He could see peaks of an off white dress underneath with red accents. She wielded two swords that crossed together, blocking his attack.

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