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The sleeping wolf chest heaved up and down as he breathed so calmly

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The sleeping wolf chest heaved up and down as he breathed so calmly. The girl watched him, her eyes trailing down towards his bandaged wound. True he only had half a shirt now but she needed to rip half of it off to treat it.

Luckily she was able to treat it properly despite her lack of experience. Also the lack of calmness. She was panicking while bandaging him. But it wasn't her fault, she had a fear of him dying in her arms.

Her wondering eyes glanced at the clock.

'4:23 am'

She sighed as she rested her head on the chair rim watching the wolf sleep. Her body was exhausted but her brain was wide awake. All the events running in constant reply. Remembering how she brought him in her apartment and how he fell asleep on the couch. Also when she was treating him with the amount of blood she got on her small fingers.

Suddenly shuffling was heard, making her snapped back into reality. She perked up her head towards the couch seeing the hybrid shuffle in his sleep. Her heart started to race. He was waking up. She had no clue what his reaction would be.

Would he attack her? Or would he just let her be? She wasn't sure and her fear was growing by the minute. He seemed aggressive when she first found him, she wouldn't be surprised if he attacked her in some sort of way even if she did save him.

A low growl came from him, taking her by surprise. Her eyes met the bright yet dangerous lavender eyes. She shivered as they stared in her soul. His eyes only showed one emotion.


"H-How you feeling?" She stuttered but only another growl came from him. She sighed heavily as he didn't even answer her question.

"Look I'm not trying to hurt you I promise. I'm just a teenager with money issues. I have no motive."

The wolf merely only glared at her before trying to sit up. He groaned and hissed before looking down at his side.

In all honesty he couldn't even remember how he got here or even how he got this wound. So that immediately led him to believe she was the one that caused it.

As soon as his eyes met his bandaged wound another deep growl came from him.

"What the hell did you do to me!?" He barked. She jumped in surprise, completely bewildered at his sudden statement.

"Ummm I bandaged it? Don't you remember stumbling into my bookstore downstairs? You were bleeding and growling at me." She explained, confused at his sudden assumption.

'Does he really think that I did it?! What the heck?' She thought completely stunned at his assumption.

He narrowed his eyes at her showing his sharpest teeth to give her fear. Well more of give her a fright just so he won't seem so weak despite his horrible condition. Not even for a second did he want to appear weak.

"How do I know your not lying!?" He growled. She rolled her eyes placing her hands on her hips. Suddenly all her fear of him attacking her washed away, and a surge of confidence rushed through her veins.

"What's the point of lying to a freakin hybrid who has the ability to kill me? Now shut up and be grateful at least! I could've just let you die outside in the rain!" She huffed now crossing her arms over chest. The hybrid stared at her letting out another low growl his eyes still narrowed at her.

"What if I kill you right now?"

She yet again rolled her eyes getting a slight headache before setting her eyes on him.

"Fine go ahead. I have no purpose in life anyway. My family hates me, my brother most likely hates me too. I have no friends and my job is barely keeping up with me, so sure kill me by all means. In fact I very much encourage it." She shrugged giving him a blank stare. He raised his eyebrow looking a bit stunned at her answer.

She sighed at his lack of reply before walking over towards him. Seeing this the hybrid growled at her.

"Calm down I need to check your wound. I need to know if I can take you to the hospital or not." She used her hands signaling him that she meant no harm.

"I don't need a hosp-Sh*t!" He hissed as a unbearable pain surge through his body. She hastily went over to him checking his bandage. It slowly soaked in red crimson blood.

"Oh crap! See I told you I need to check your wound! You need stitches for crying out loud! Okay stay here and lay down I'll be right back!" Her hands gently settled on his chest, pushing him down back on the couch. He wanted to protest but only another hiss came from his lips. He clenched his jaw shutting his eyes in pure agony.

The girl came back with a phone and wet towels in her hand. She hastily laid the towels on the soaking bandages. She placed her phone near her ear waiting for a reply.

"Hello! Please I need help there's this hybrid-What!? What do you mean you don't take hybrids!?! Does it matter!? He's a flippin human for crying out loud! You know what screw you!" She yelled throwing her phone onto another couch. She ran her fingers through her hair in frustration. Her eyes settled on the hybrid who looked in so much in pain. She couldn't stand it. She needed to do something. Without a moment to lose, she ran to get her sewing kit.

She ran back to him gently opening the bandages making him groan in pain. She gulped seeing his wound soaked in blood. The metallic smell filled her nose once again making her gag. Her body stomach couldn't take it, but this hybrid needed help more than anything.

She took a huge breathe before some napkins to disinfect his wound. He hissed feeling the alcohol touch his flesh. She muttered a Sorry before his wound was completely clean, taking a needle and thread. She looked up at him giving him a towel. Her whole face showed she was sorry.

"This...is really gonna hurt...hear to at least to muffle your scream." He bit into the towel his fangs appearing making her silently shiver. She averted her eyes back to his wound gulping down her fear. And slowly she started stitching. In a moment the hybrid screamed in pure agony, making tears spill from her eyes as she shakily continued her stitching.

After some time she was done. Now all she was doing was bandaging his wound. The black wolf was awake still but his whole face was pale he looked exhausted. Considering the fact he had beautiful caramel skin.

"There...You should rest. I would offer you to my room but your a bit too heavy for me to carry so..." she trailed off being sat in the floor her hands on her lap.

His lovely lavender eyes stared at her completely drowsy and exhausted. He nodded slowly before his eyes trailed up towards the ceiling.

"Namjoon...my names Namjoon." The wolf muttered ending the tense silence. Her eyes lit up giving him the biggest smile she could mustered.

"And I'm Y/n, Kim Y/n."

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