Chapter 7

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"His talking about your....." Taehyung stopped and teleport out of there.

"Oh my fucking god I'm gonna kill him one day." Nora said.

Namjoon went home and straight to his room and slammed the door.

"No slamming door in my house." Zerick said.

"Oh shut the fuck up bitch." Namjoon said and Zerick got mad. He busted the door open. "Hey do you not know what privacy is?!"

"This is my house you little bastard now why are you mad for?" Zerick said.

"It's taehyung I want to fucking kill that bastard for what he did." Namjoon said as trying to calm down.

"Oooo what he do?" Zerick said.

"He fucking kisses Nora in the mouth." Namjoon said.

"He did what now what now?!" Zerick said with his eyes covered in lighting. "Thats it I had enough of him let's go."

"Where are we gonna look for him tho?" Namjoon said as getting up from his bed.

"I know where." Zerick said with a smirk. They went to a building that was abounded for some years and taehyung was at the top of the Building and Zerick sneak behind him and put a bracelet to his hand that stops him from using his powers.

"What the hell are you doing? Why you put this on me?" Taehyung said as trying to take it off.

"Im done with you. I'm locking you away." Zerick said.

"Look if your talking about the kiss I didn't meant to do it. It was just to get her away case she kept asking me about who you were talking about. I swear." Taehyung said.

"I don't care why you did it. I'm just tried of you pissing me off every damn time." Zerick said.

"Then I wont I promise." Taehyung said.

"To late now come on." Zerick said. He put him in a cell but with tv, WiFi, and food.

                        Somewhere else

"Boss he messed up." Guy said.

"One of these days his gonna realise that, that guy you cloned as me, taehyung. Well be put to an end." Taehyung said.

"Shut up!" Guy said and hitting him with a pole.

"Please let him go. I'm the one you want not him so let him go." A girl said.

"And what risk him telling on us no way. But you just give me an idea, since we don't need him I'll just kill him haha." Guy said.

"No you wont." Boss said.

"Oh come on boss." Guy said.

"I said no and no is a God damn no." Boss said.

"Yes sir, sorry." Guy said.

"Go and bring the prisoners food and me." Boss said.

"Yes sir!" Guy said as leaving to the kitchen and getting some food. The guy come back and gave food to the boss and the prisoners.
They ate and soon the power went out.

"What the hell is going on. Keep eyes out  the prisoners they might get out." Boss said as leaving the room. 

"Taehyung get close to me now." The girl said.

"Aw look they got scared that they had to hug each other. So lame." Guy said.

"I only have energy to teleport out of her but not far." The girl said.

"Ok let's go." Taehyung said. With that said they teleport with electricity out of there.

"Oof where are we?" Taehyung said. 

"I don't know let's go in that cabin I dont have energy and I'm about to pass out let's go quick." The girl said.

They went in there and no one was there and there was a bed and the girl lay there and so did taehyung and together they both fell asleep getting there energy.

                        To be continued

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