I'm In Love Pt. 2 (Angst Edition) - R!Bluespartanz (F&A)

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Requested by @unhappy_lemon

A.N : im very sorry, this got kinda out of hand, but it's... mostly? fluffy, and quite long

Warnings: a slightly steamy make out sesh, self hatred voices, fear of rejection / abandonment, seriously don't read this if you've ever had "the depression voice(s)", blood, unintentional self harm, (seriously, this chapter has it all)

Henry's pov

I woke up to an unfamiliar ceiling, but once I remembered where I was, a burst of happiness surged through me.

I sat up and stretched, reaching for my phone.

It wasn't on my side table, odd.

I must've left it downstairs.

I got up and slipped on some shorts and a fresh tee shirt.

I brushed my hair, put it into a ponytail, and slipped on a beanie after using the restroom.

I wandered downstairs to find it pretty quiet. I checked a clock and saw it said 10:12 am.

"Good morning." Came a voice from behind me.

"WHA- oh." I jumped and turned around, my tail sticking up.

"What, is my hair that bad?" Brandon asked.

He was wearing a tee shirt and.. no shorts, you could see his thick tail behind him.

I blushed slightly and turned back to the kitchen reaching for a coffee cup.

My ears twitched as I heard him move behind me and pour some cereal.

"So are we going anywhere today?" I asked, putting a tea bag in my mug.

"Uh, I think Diesel wants to go out for dinner with all of us." He said, a drawer opening and closing.

I turned around while the hot water poured into my cup. "So, we're the first ones up, eh?" I said, feeling a little awkward.

"Yeah, I guess we are." He scratched the back of his neck, causing his shirt to ride up.

I walked over to him, my tail swishing behind me and my ears perking in interest.

"So, we're alone then?" I smirked, standing in front of Brandon.

I may be shorter, but I can make him flustered.

"U-uh, well yeah, I guess we are." He stuttered.

"You gonna do anything about that?" I bit my lip and looked to him.

He blushed and stepped forward to cup my cheek, his scales cool against my face.

I quickly nuzzled into the touch, feeling his soft scales against my face and purring softly.

I looked back up to him to see his reaction, he was blushing harder.

"How are you so cute?" He mumbled under his breath.

I thought about responding, but decided to close my eyes and purr louder.

My ears twitched as I heard Brandon move around.

A hand lightly rested on my waist, I could feel the heat radiating off of Brandon.

I reached up, my hands coming to find his chest, I gripped his shirt and stepped forward.

He sighed lightly, wrapping his hand more around my waist before kissing me.

His lips were slightly rough, a welcome texture against my smooth lips.

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