Requests! (Open)

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Hello! I'm Ruby!

This is where you can request stuff.

You can ask for any ship (romantic or platonic)

You can give a prompt (hey can you do *ship* and they go out to a carnival?)

Smut, fluff, and angst are all allowed!

Such ships as:





Or any others you might want!

Note that I prefer doing gay shit, but I will do a straight ship every once in awhile. Also, will not write straight ship smut.

Chapter markers:

R!ship = romantic ship

P!ship = platonic ship

No ship = three or more of the group in a platonic relationship

(A) = angst

(F) = fluff

(S) = smut

(O) = other

Example: Garbage - R!Bluespartanz (F) = fluffy romantic Bluespartanz

-- My Complete List of Ships --

As some of you may know, I'm a multishipper. This is my complete list of everything I ship, and this will be updated when I find a new one.

Henry x Brandon

Henry x Tyler

Tyler x Diesel

Diesel x Brandon

Brandon x Tyler

Brandon x Alex

Alex x Henry

Alex x Aksel

Aksel x Tyler

Henry x Diesel

Brandon x Diesel x Tyler

Brandon x Tyler x Diesel x Henry

Jack x Brandon

Commentary crew oneshotsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora