Chapter 9 - What about trust?

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Suddenly the last alcohol hits my brain and I feel myself getting very tired. I hang in Daniel's arm and realize that I probably needed to back off. A: "I'm sorry haha, I can't even stand up straight. this is embarrassing." D: "Honestly I'm slightly high and tipsy, so we're on the same level." We definitely weren't, for the record. He grabs my finger and folds a bandaid around it. A: "Thank you sir" D:" My pleasure. Okay, Lean on my shoulder, I honestly don't know how you cleaned everything without passing out, but I am not going to let you sleep on the couch without a blanket or anything, whilst extremely drunk." A: "Do I have a choice?" I say while holding on to his arm and giggling heavingly. D:"Nah..not really..." Daniel gives me a naughty smirk.

I plop on the bed and throw off my shorts and pull my shirt over my head. D: "Alright, okay. Wasn't prepared for this lovely striptease." A: "Sorry, fuck. I can't think properly. I uh." D: "SHush, I don't mind. You look like a snack." He did not just say that. I take my statement back, he's kinda fuckboy-ish. A: "PErVErT" D:"Like you weren't staring at my completely NuDe chest. Only joking." He says sarcastically. He giggles and lays down next to me. I turn around and stare at his soft lips. Everything in me wanted to kiss him. Before I could lean in, Daniel grabs my hand and commands me to sit on his lap. I do so and his arms wrap around my middle and he leans in before I could even realize what was happening. He pecks his lips on mine and we passionately make out. He was extremely good at this, I never made out with someone who was kissing? If that was even 'a talent'. My heart was exploding out of my chest and my hands were getting sweaty. Did this just happen? I met him today! 

 Did this just happen? I met him today! 

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D: "I'm sorry if that was unexpected..." A: "No, no. I really needed that." He smiles and swipes my hair out of my face. D:"I can't believe I just made out with the best friend of my bro's." A: "You are WILD!" D: "I am." He bites his lips for the millionth time and for some reason instead of finding it annoying, it turned me on, a LOT. A: "Well I just made out with the best friend of someone who's in love with me. I think I am the fucked up one." D: "Wait, Zach? but you're best friends?" A: "Yeah, we are. But he told me that...well he has feelings for me, which I kinda already knew, but that's beside the point." D: "Well, do you like him?" A: "No! I don't! I love him, but in a friend-kinda-way." D:"Does he know?" A: "Yeah, I made it pretty clear today...!" D: "Owh, well to be honest I knew he liked you, but I told him it's wrong because he's actually seeing someone." A: "WHAT? Omg, I mean great, but why did he expose his feelings to me then. He's so confusing." D: "He can be confusing, but he did not think you would break up with your ex. And he told me, he wanted to tell you, in case you changed your mind about him. But that's not really fair to Kay, but whatever." A: "Wait, kay? I know her! She's actually very nice. I'm glad for him." I sighed, overthinking what just happened. A: "Don't you think we're kinda breaking his trust right now? I don't want to hurt his feelings." D:"He told me that you weren't 'of limits' anymore. Not that I met you before today, but...anyways he doesn't have to know about this. I don't like lying, but sometimes it keeps people from getting hurt. Also, it seems fair, he's hooking up with Kay, soo.." A: "That's true. Your so wise, mister Seavey." I pecked his lips ones more, before cuddling up into the sheets. A: "I should maybe, um, go back to the couch, just because I don't want Zach to find out..." D: "Zach's not gonna mind if we sleep on the same mattress, he's not a psychopath and he trusts me." A: "Alright, if you say so." I hesitated, just because I didn't exactly know how deep Zach's feeling for me were. 

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