Chapter 2

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He walks over to a table of guys. He pulls a half-hearted smile and asks if they remember him from some earlier class as he sits down. Two glance over and utter a "hey" like they don't really remember him, and one scrunches up his eyebrows like he's some new species, but doesn't object to him sitting either. He nods and continues the conversation. The new guy eats lunch very slowly, like he too knows to pace himself from eating too fast so he doesn't have to sit in silence.

I realize I'm full-on watching him and advert my eyes back to my lunch. I silently scold myself hoping no one noticed me gawking. I was almost turned around in my seat looking at him. I take a sip of milk. Yolonda noticed me.

"His name is Jacques", she pipes up,"He's in my Calculus."

I nod to let her know I had heard her.

"He's from France. Apparently his dad got a job a few towns over at the car factory, but his parents felt this school was the best," she continues, "He's okay, just kinda skittish I guess."

"This school? The best?" I offer jokingly.

Yolanda laughs, somewhat surprised I gave an answer she could work with. Usually my answers kind of don't leave much room for a reply unless you bring up another thought. How do you add onto "yeah" or "ohh" ?

"Yeah. I looked at his schedule; he has Physics next," she adds.

"Ahh," I say nodding slightly; I didn't mention it's what I had next as well.

Seeing that I was ending the pitiful excuse for a conversation, she turns to her boyfriend Chris and starts ranting about band things. She's also in band,I forgot to mention, a flute. Something about intervals and sets? I don't know. I never got into band. Too many people and too much cooperation is required,which reclusive me can't take or risk fucking up and having everyone harp on me. I could deal with concert season but marching season would result in a mental breakdown.

I had finished the last of my food,and got up to dump my tray. I lock my eyes on my target, the big black trash cans with trays with residue of food still intact stacked on top. Just got to walk over, then walk back. Don't draw attention.

I'm gliding safely over the white tiles of the lunch room,when a figure coming the same direction comes into my peripheral vision, which is actually pretty good for some reason. Whoever they are, they're coming right towards me....oh god. I'm able to screech to a stop though. I refuse to let this be a cliche moment in the lunch room where I get slammed with food and utterly embarrassed in front of everyone, laughing and pointing.

I can't really avoid being slightly embarrassed,though. I look up and see it's the new guy.

"S-sorry,whoa. I wasn't watching where I was going," he sputters out,blushing subtly. His accent is noticeable,but he speaks English well.

"Jesus,why is blushing.... " I wonder to myself.

He continues to stand there, flustered. I realize I should probably say something.

"It's okay," I say simply.

Still seemingly glued in place, I decide it's up to me to make the first move. I step forward and dump my tray. I stack it on top with the others, and avoid looking at him as I turn and make my way back to my table. I have the feeling he's not gone however.

"Hey, sorry, I didn't mean to be such a klutz," he apologizes again;I wish he would just let it go.

"Like I said,it's fine," I reassure him.

He's falling into stride behind me,continuing,"Hey,would you mind if I sat by you? I kind of pretended like I knew those guys over there...." he asked in a low voice.

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