Part 8: Meeting The Tuckers

Start from the beginning

"Come on you two. Door's over here."

"Right! Sorry."

Both Alex and Nepgear ran up to the front door, but, the bush beside them started to rattle as Alex turned in that direction as a large shadow enveloped him as he shouted.

Both Alex and Nepgear ran up to the front door, but, the bush beside them started to rattle as Alex turned in that direction as a large shadow enveloped him as he shouted

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"G-Goodness. It seems as if everything's big here." Nepgear said as she saw the large white dog land on top of Alex.

Just then, the front door had opened, as a little girl's voice was heard.

"You know that's bad Alexander."

Then, followed an older man's voice.

"Oh my. I'm sorry."

Alex turned his head up to look as he saw who was at the door.

Alex turned his head up to look as he saw who was at the door

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"No prob. Just, don't say roll over." Jokingly said Alex as the dog was still on top of him.

Eventually, Alex and Nepgear had both entered the house which has books scattered around.

"S-Sorry about the mess. We just lack a women's touch here. Oh wait, that sounded sexist didn't it? I've been so out of sorts lately." Said Tucker picking up the books trying to clean up.

While this was happening, Nina had walked by Alex and took a liking to his pocket watch as she had starry eyes.

'Guess she really likes the design.' Thought Alex.

Tucker knew it was time to discuss serious matters.

"Nina, why don't you go play in the courtyard?"


"I'm sure Alexander is all lonely out there."

"Oh." She smiled at Alex and Nepgear. "We'll play later okay?"

She then left outside as Tucker watched with a smile on his face.

"Sometimes I wonder if I even have the right vigor to take care of her. Anyways, your so young to be doing this Alex. I'm happy to help."

"And we thank you for it Mr. Tucker. For starters we'd like to see that chimera you created!" Said Alex.

"Yeah the talking one!" Added Nepgear.

As soon as that was said, Tucker grew a somber face.

"I'm sorry but you two are a little too late. It died shortly after it was created."

Both Alex and Nepgear were shocked to hear this.

"Besides, studying about the Philosopher's Stone comes first. It holds many important details to the history and origin of Alchemy. It's gonna take much more than an overnight cram session to learn everything."

Tucker then opened a door as Alex and Nepgear stepped in as they entered a large room with tons of books.

"This is the reference room. Your welcome to it." Said Tucker.

"Woah!" Said Alex amazed.

"This is so large that it could rival Blanc's library." Said Nepgear.

"Are you sure these books are all about Alchemy!?" Asked Alex.

"This collection is nothing really. Books are the best things we have. The more you learn about the stone, the more books about Alchemy seem more intriguing."

"Wow. Hey Alex, we should..." Nepgear trailed off as she noticed Alex had already started reading on of the books as Nepgear giggled.

'Seems as if he's already started.' She thought.

Night Time

Time flew by as Alex and Nepgear had read tons of books regarding the Philosopher's Stone.

Before the two left back to the basilicom, Tucker had offered them to stay for dinner as they both agreed.

All four sat around the table as Alexander, Nina's large, white dog, laid curled up near the fireplace.

"So Alex, making progress in your research?" Asked Tucker.

"Yes sir. Well, some. I need to speed up on my research. There's so much about the stone I don't know yet."

"Good. The more steps we take forward the more we'll see the path up ahead, but, your so young. You don't need to learn all about the stone so quickly."

"No. I don't care what the odds are. I don't care how long it'll take. I'm gonna find out about the truths about the stone."

Nina then managed to get Nepgear and Alex's attention.

"What is it Nina?" Asked Nepgear.

"Big sis Nepgear. Are you and Alex a love couple?"

Nepgear immediately grew a massive blush as Alex spat out his drink as he coughed.

"No we're not! We're just really close friends!" Said a flustered Alex as Nepgear practically had steam coming out of her ears.

Eventually, things were sorted out as Alex and Nepgear waved the Tuckers goodbye as they took a ride back to the Basilicom.

Along the way, Alex and Nepgear sat next to each other in the back, both being awkward and not looking st each other.

Alex had placed his hand down in between them as Nepgear instinctively also placed her down on top of Alex's hand as they both blushed before intertwining them together as Nepgear leaned on Alex's shoulder and slowly fell asleep as Alex smiled, as they had finished their first day with the Tuckers.

(Neptune: No fair! NO FAIR! Flame! I want my moment with Ally this instant!)
(Hold on Neptune! Your gonna get yours soon! Just wait!)
(Neptune: NO!)

Part 8: Meeting The Tuckers: End

Part 8: Meeting The Tuckers: End

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