1K+ Votes?! And a Story Idea!

350 18 6

Holy shit, you guys, this story is at 1K+ votes and 30K+ reads?! Thank you all so much!! I never would've guessed this book would even get anywhere near those numbers. I really hope it was a fun read!

Anyway, I've had an idea for a while now (I mean as in a few years kind of while) and I think I'm going to put it into motion soon. For any of you Norman Jayden fans that may have read this book- this one's for you (if you have no clue who he is, check out Heavy Rain. It's also a Quantic Dreams game and Jayden is an FBI agent- he's actually who Jayden in this book is roughly based off of :D).

I've always been a fan of Norman Jayden and I really want to give that man some love so for any of you who are interested, keep your eyes out for a Norman Jayden X Reader book.

That's really all I have to say, but I do want to thank you all one more time for reading this book!

Stay Deviant


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