brief summary

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Hi guys, I know getting into a new book always comes with certain expectations. If the book meets your standards or not or if the book is going to be a gem or a disappointment.
So that's why I ll be honest and give you as much summary of this book as i can to save you any false hope or regrets later on.

So this book has certain fantastical elements in it. A lot actually- buuut no werewolves, no vampires and no green hulk .( like...) so don't expect it to be realistic.
It is a dreamy book with a touch of philosophy. I am writing this book particularly with the dreamy context in mind.
There is no cheating in this book as I am wholly against the concept of cheating and have zero tolerance for it. This is about first loves and sweet love and there can be sexual references and maybeee even the making love part if I feel like going there but I ll warn you so.. Yea. Let's get to it!!

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