"Thanks. I never got your name," I said as he stood up, a bit unsteady, but once he got walking he seemed fine.

"Franklin. Yours?" He asked as he carefully walked down a flight of stairs.

  "I'm Alice. I'm Benjamin Lockwood's daughter," I laughed when he almost dropped me in surprise.

 "Hey, pick up the pace back there!" I heard Owen yell from up ahead. I patted Franklin's shoulder softly,

  "Might want to hurry up, Frankie," I said. He huffed before starting to jog a bit. By the time we got to the foyer, we were all together. We walked out of the heavy wooden doors and down the concrete steps, but everyone halted for what was standing at the bottom. Owen's raptor was standing there growling softly at us.

"Hey, girl," Owen cooed as he stepped closer. Claire tried to grab him and pull him back, but she missed.

  "Owen," she trailed off. Owen reached out to the raptor and laid a hand gently on her snout.

"It's okay, she won't hurt us," Owen said softly. I could feel Franklin relax underneath me and I'm sure he could feel my grip on him loosen. Owen spoke softly to the raptor, but shortly after the creature ran off toward the woods. However, She didn't fully disappear without a look back. Once the raptor was gone, Maisie ran up and gave Owen a hug which he returned. I smiled at them and rested my head against Franklin's shoulder.

  "I'm sorry about this, Franklin. You shouldn't have to worry about me," I said in a tired voice. He shook his head quickly,

 "I don't mind," He rushed out. I hummed in acknowledgment as he started to walk again. I was starting to drift off, but I tried to stay away for everyone else's sake. I did not succeed.


    I woke up to the rumble of an engine and the faint music from a radio. I slowly opened my eyes and ran a hand through my messy hair. I looked around and was met with a car interior and three other people. I sat up slowly and greeted Maisie, Claire, and Owen quietly.

  "Where are we?" I asked Owen, who was driving the car. He looked at me in the rearview mirror,

"On our way home," was his response as his gaze returned to the road. I smiled and looked at Claire, who was looking at Owen. I huffed in contentment and looked at Maisie.

  "Are you okay?" I asked her quietly. She shrugged her shoulders and leaned her head on my shoulder. That's when I noticed that, instead of my ruined dress, I was now clad in jeans and a white sweatshirt.

  "Claire, when did I change?" I asked her. She turned slightly in her seat to look at me,

 "Well I didn't want to wake you and you looked so cold in that dress, so I changed you before we left last night. I'm sorry," She said with an apologetic expression. I shook my head,

"Thank you. This is perfect," I smiled at her and she smiled back before turning around in her seat.

  "I also put real bandages on your feet," Owen piped up from the driver's seat. I nodded absentmindedly and mumbled a thank you as I looked out the window. Maisie turned her head and looked as well at the Pterosaurs flying over the cliffside. It was beautiful. I leaned back in my seat and laid my head on Maisie's. I wasn't tired anymore, but my body was still aching. 

"So what will we do about clothes when we get to wherever we're going?" Maisie asked. I could see Owen smile in the rearview mirror,

    "You can borrow some of my daughter, Blake's, old clothes. I'm sure she won't mind," He said. Claire smirked,

"She's visiting Zach anyway. I saw pictures on my sister's Facebook," Owen jerked his head to look at Claire. I almost laughed at the expression on his face,

"I thought she was staying on campus while I finished the cabin!" He exclaimed. Claire's eyes widened slightly,

  "So, you didn't know she went over there?" She sounded as if she was about to laugh as well. She pulled out her phone and pulled up the aforementioned photos.

"Let me see them," Owen tried to grab the phone from her hands, but Claire threw the phone to me.

   "Not while you're driving. I'd like to make it back in one piece," She told him. I tuned out the rest of their argument as I swiped through photos of a girl and a guy, a few years older than me, standing next a snow covered tree. The girl, who I assume is Blake, was crying and the guy, who I think was Zach was kneeling in front of her in one of the pictures. In the next picture, Zach had a box and Blake was smiling and saying something. I gasped and looked at Maisie who looked at me with a smile. The last picture was just of Blake's engagement ring and the caption of the post was 'Don't tell her dad.'

 "What? What's in the picture?" Owen asked us, but I quickly locked the phone

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 "What? What's in the picture?" Owen asked us, but I quickly locked the phone.

"Nothing!" Maisie and I said. Claire laughed loudly at Owen's frustration, knowing that he would go ballistic when he found out what was in the pictures.

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