8. You Make Me Feel So Alive

Start from the beginning

Cole slapped him on the shoulder. "Yeah. Like I said, it's me, not you. I thought we were kind of exclusive. You know? But we've just started dating. It's not like we're going steady."

"Hang in there. This guy is just here for the weekend, then he'll go back to Mississippi. By the time his next visit rolls around, y'all probably will be in a relationship."

"Yeah. Maybe. So, how's the girl?"

"Lewis is gonna recommend sending her back to Dallas to recuperate." Gabriel glanced at his watch. "Her family is probably here by now. Lewis plans to consult with her other doctor tomorrow and if he agrees, she'll be gone. He's sending her home in one of funeral's meat wagons."

"You're fucking with me."


"Hello, handsome."

Gabriel recognized the voice even before he turned around.

"Hey, Dr Bennett. How are you?"

She slid an arm around his waist and pressed against him. Holy hell. He needed to get away from her.

"You don't have to call me that, like I'm some old doctor. Not the way I'd like for you to think of me. Call me Bea."

Gabriel knew that to be a fact. During their Valentine date last year, she'd been more like a cop doing a body search. "Sorry. My mother taught me to be respectful of my elders."

She laid her palm on his chest. "I'd like you to think of me more as a friend. Especially with the banquet right around the corner. This year instead of going out to dinner, I've arranged a little soiree for the two of us at my house. Already booked a chef."

"I guess you haven't heard. I've told Silbie I'm not taking part in the bachelor auction this time."

Bennett gasped and clutched her throat. "What? No! You have to participate. I've already made plans."


Gabriel's phone chimed. He glanced down, then pressed it to his ear. "Hello—yes. Ten minutes." He clicked off and stared at Cole, who seemed to be enjoying himself a little too much.

"That was Lewis. The girl is awake. I have to go."

He didn't give his friend or Dr Bennett time to say anything, just turned on his heel and hightailed it out of there. Talk about perfect timing. Zari had rescued him from a fate worse than a car accident.

This was the best news he'd gotten in weeks. Not only was Zari awake, she'd be leaving and he could stop obsessing over her. In the short time he'd known her, if he could call it that since the acquaintance had been one-sided, he'd connected with her. Maybe through those stupid songs she'd written, or just by being in her presence. Whatever the reason, he could get back to his life. Even if his heart didn't  like that idea.

The only car he recognized in the small parking lot belonged to the rental company. Another sigh of relief. Owen was here and no longer with Silbie. And now with this latest development, the guy had no reason to stay in Parkers Prairie or ever return. The best news was he'd not been here long enough for Silbie to feel more than infatuation. No broken heart. God, Gabriel would love to spare her that pain for a few more years.

He swung into a space, jumped from the truck and sprinted to the entrance. When he got to the third floor, Matthew and Owen sat in the waiting area.

Gabriel shook hands with her godfather. "How's she doing?"

"We haven't seen her yet. But I think she's okay. The doctors are with her. I've got to call Alisha, she used up her vacation days and had to return to Dallas for work, but I'm sure she'll love to know Zari's awake."


"I don't think so." He looked past Gabriel. "Here he comes."

Gabriel stepped aside as Lewis approached and focused on Matthew.

"She's fine. Still a bit fuzzy but that should clear up in time. She's probably going to drift in and out for a while. Just be patient. Her vitals are all good but she may have headaches. No reason for alarm unless the pain becomes severe, or she has dizziness."

"Can we see her?" Owen asked.

"Sure. But keep the visit short and don't bombard her with questions. Dr. Rodriguez will be here in the morning to assess her condition."

As Lewis strolled away, Gabriel turned to Matthew. "I'm going to head home."

"Nonsense. If I know Zari, she'll want to thank you for helping her."

Gabriel didn't want to argue, not that it'd do any good. Kline had a way about him. Assertive to a fault. "Okay. Sure."

He followed the pair into the dimly lit room. Zari didn't look much different than all those times she'd briefly opened her eyes while he read to her. Except now, she sat with her back propped against pillows. She glanced from Matthew to pseudo-brother, before settling her eyes on Gabriel. She smiled and stretched her arms out as if she wanted him to pull her up straighter. Gabriel moved to her. But when he got within reach, she fisted his shirt in her left hand and pulled him down until his face was next to hers. Then—pressed her lips to his.

Holy shit. One kiss wasn't enough because when he pulled away a half second later, she closed the gap and came back for more. His brain spun. What the hell was happening? As if the connection between his brain and limbs were severed, he wrapped his hand in her hair. Her lips were soft and warm as they moved against him. All rational thought vanished. He'd been so fixated on diminishing ties with her family while she'd been unconscious, the excitement he felt now was borderline explosive.

He'd never responded this way to a girl before, not even Rosie. Perhaps it was because of all the pent up energy, or all the time he'd spent obsessing over her, but he wanted to carry her home and make her scream his name.

Finally, she broke the lip lock and gazed up at him as if he was the only person in the world. He blinked rapidly, trying to splice together what just happened, searching her eyes questioningly.

She drew a deep breath, then whispered against his lips.

"I love you."



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Haha now whose awake!?


Anyone have upload day preferences? For sure on Friday but any other days? I'm debating if I should break the chapters in smaller portions and uploading twice a week.

Anyway, please consider voting and leaving feedback! It always puts a smile on my face.

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