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WHERE HAVE I BEEN? Life update ❤️💫

WHERE HAVE I BEEN? Life update ❤️💫

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'over the last few weeks i've really learnt a lot about myself, things i didn't realise before

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'over the last few weeks i've really learnt a lot about myself, things i didn't realise before. i learnt how to be myself, be strong, and forgiving. i haven't been the best role model to my fans and i apologise for that, but i've learnt from my mistakes and i've become a better/smarter person because of it. after the whole incident i realised i needed to step away and re-evaluate what i has been doing with my life, so i did what i do best - unplug from the world and relax'

 after the whole incident i realised i needed to step away and re-evaluate what i has been doing with my life, so i did what i do best - unplug from the world and relax'

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'i packed my bag one evening, left a note for my friends dropped Darcy off with my mom and left for an adventure of a lifetime where i...'


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