Not a Boy

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Riley's POV

"Riley?" my mom asked.

We were in the middle of dinner when my mom started calling my name.

"Riley?" she repeated. "Are you alright?"

I must have been staring off again. I've been doing that a lot since Maya asked that question. I couldn't believe I actually managed to say, more like squeal, yes.

"Riley!" my mom called, I must have zoned out again.

"Yeah," I said softly.

"What's up with you?" my dad asked. "You haven't been yourself all week."

"Who'd you meet?" my mom asked smiling. "Is he handsome?"

"Ahhh!" my dad screamed. "What are you talking about, Topanga?" he asked panicking.

"She has that sparkle in her eyes," she said.

"Very, well," my dad said trying to calm down. "Who might this young man be?"

I felt a lump in my throat. "What if, umm, what if," I stuttered.

"Is he not a good guy, Riley?" my mom asked.

"No, they're the best, most wonderful person I've ever met," I told them, every word being true.

"But it's not a boy, it's a girl, I like a girl" I said slowly waiting for their reactions.

"It's okay, sweetie," my mom hugged me.

"I'm sorry we assumed. We just want to know who it is," my dad assured me.

"It's Maya Hart," I told them.

"Ahhh!" my dad screamed again.

"Daaad!" I whined. "Just don't be weird about it to her," I pleaded.

The next day, at the end of our history class, my dad asked Maya to stay after class.

"Please be normal," I whispered to him as I passed his desk.

Maya's POV

"Miss Hart, I'd like to see you at my desk," Mr. Matthews said.

Riley said something to her dad before walking out of the classroom.

"You wanted to see me, sir?" I said, I figured the least I could do was be respectful to him while we're at school cause he's a teacher and especially since he's my girlfriend's father.

"You're dating Riley," he said.

"That I am," I said not sure where the conversation was going. "Is that a problem?"

"Just don't break my daughter's heart," he said seriously.

"I don't plan on it, sir," I told him without hesitation. "She's the best person I know."

"Thank you, Maya," he said.

"No problem, it's the truth. She really is the best person I know."

"No, thank you for making her so happy," he sincerely said. "Now get to class."

"See ya, Matthews," I said before leaving, a smirk playing on my lips. I guess old habits die hard.


I decided to keep writing cause I'm really indecisive about this book but you can expect at least another few chapters. Comments and votes are helpful and appreciated!

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