Now I'm All Alone

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I can still feel his hands on my body, softly caressing my skin. I remember his rough voice  barely a whisper in my ear, making sure it is still our little secret . My response were the same as every time he would ask. Just a subtle little nod.

When grandma came back our clothes were already picked up and the bed were made, as if though we were never even there. The only reminder of our little secret were hidden on my body.

Mommy used to come fetch me in the afternoon and take me shopping with the spending money uncle John would give me. I could not bring myself to buy anything with it- just asked mommy to save it for me until the time's right.

After three years of keeping our secret, I could not keep up anymore. As a fourteen year old, I went to Granny's house with cans full of gasoline I bought with the money he would give me.

I knew uncle John must have just taken his sleeping pills and Granny will be out shopping for at least another hour. I made sure that everything would burn. I threw it everywhere - on the couches, on the beds and on top of uncle John-just like he would always be on top of me.

I took one last drag of the cigarette and watched the path to the house erupt in fire. I heard his agonizing screams and could not have been more at peace. I watched it burn to the ground.

Now it's my secret...

Mommy does not  come to visit me. She said that they need to keep me locked up in here until I rot. She said I am a disgrace- not worthy of being her daughter - but after all, she didn't know that his soft caress was all a lie.

Mommy Doesn't Come To Visit. Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum