Chapter 1

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Hello fellow Leon lovers! Welcome to chapter one of this story that is probably really shit but I'm having fun writing anyway! Enjoy friendo

Feel free to skip this one if you're just here for Leon lol

The air has a slight nip to it, kissing the skin of my exposed shoulders, arms and legs. It's wasn't cold enough for a jacket, however I have the feeling I am going to eventually need one. The breeze was slowly getting cooler and cooler as the moon slowly sinks in the sky, gently blowing my hair out of my face and drying my lips.

There aren't many people out at this time of night, which isn't surprising since its currently just after midnight. The moon is behind me, slowly disappearing behind the buildings in the distance. I continuously turn my head back to look at the gorgeous view of the silhouettes of skyscrapers being kissed by the soft glow of the moon.

There is the faint smell of rain in the air, sending shivers down my spine and tickling my nostrils. It makes me feel oddly calm at the moment but I know that as soon as the sky begins to leak down on me, I'm not going to be so relaxed.

I would usually never be out this late, walking from the city, to my own house. However, certain circumstances lead me go where I am standing now. Not how I imagined that date to go, I can say that much. I thought of calling a taxi or maybe even my mum to come pick me up, but I figured I needed time to think, and what better time to do that as I walk home in the middle of the night?

I'm starting to regret wearing a short, black dress. I don't exactly feel comfortable walking home late in such revealing clothing. I guess, I didn't predict I'd be coming back home like this tonight. I figured I'd wake up beside my amazing boyfriend and he'd be able to drive me home in the morning, maybe get some breakfast together. However, things got a little heated... and not in a good way.

I wrap my arms around myself and bow my head as I walk, wondering where it all went wrong. I guess I was the one who messed up first but... he didn't have to act like that just over one small thing. Right? Okay fine, it's not a 'small thing', but still, he said some hurtful things that I won't be able to forget. At least I was the bigger person and wanted to talk things through, but instead he kicked me out, told me to leave.

I breath a long and tired sigh, glancing up at the shining stars for a moment, noticing them disappear behind grey clouds. Great, hopefully I get home before it rains... Just a couple more minutes, half an hour at the most, until I get home...

Or so I thought.

"Stop right there, Missy." I feel a gloved hand grab my shoulder, preventing me from walking any further. My mind begins to think of a thousand different scenarios where this could lead. I don't recognise the voice. There's no one around that I could yell out to for help, I think about running, slapping his arm off of me and sprinting like hell.

But I feel a point dig into my back, just under my ribs. A gun.

I slowly raise my arms and turn around to face a man with a black mask covering his face, leaving me to only be able to see the colours of his eyes. They are dark, hardly visible in the poorly lit night. Brown. Staring into them, I know I don't know who this man is, I know I've never met him. So what does he want from me?

"P-please... I'm just trying to get home..." I plead, blinking rapidly, unable to look anywhere other than his eyes. I'm sure my eyes are wider than a deer caught in headlights, sweat already accumulating on my brow.

"Do as I say then you will make it home safely. If you don't, then you'll be left here on the side of the road to bleed out". He nudges my stomach with his gun, causing me to whimper and tremble as my eyes fill to the brim with tears, just about to spill over and run down my cheeks. My heart beats a million times per minute and I can feel it pounding in my ears.

"P-please. W-what do you want?" I ask with a shaky voice and my arms still raised in the air. My knees become weak, and I fear I'll fall over and scare him into thinking I'm trying to make a run for it, ending with him shooting me in the head. However, I shift of the balls of my feet, it doesn't make the feeling go away but it makes me feel more balanced.

"I want your valuables. Give me all your jewelry, money -- anything worth coin!" The man whispers in an angry tone, urgency lacing every word. I look down and grab my purse, pulling out my little silver wallet as quickly as possible. I go to open it up and give him my cash but he rips the whole thing out of my hand and tucks it into his jacket pocket, motioning with his gun for me to continue giving him things.

"I don't have anything else..." I shake my head, speaking softly and slowly, in fear that he'll shoot me for not having anything more. He motions to my bracelet and necklace with his gun, causing me to flinch every time he moves it and waves it around. I don't bother telling the man that I got my jewelry for no more than five dollars online, instead I quickly rip them off of me and hand them over with no questions asked.

"Well that's not very nice... how about you give the pretty lady her belonging back? Hmm?" A new voice from behind me asks. I was so scared and preoccupied with the man with the gun that I didn't even hear the footsteps of someone approaching.

I feel the presence of someone behind me, keeping my eyes on the man in front of me since he's still the one with the gun and the one I need to be extra cautious with at the moment. I watch as his eyes grow wide as he quickly stuffs his gun in the wristband of his pants and spins on his heal, his breathing picked up a little like he was scared as he runs away, turning down a small alleyway and disappearing.

"Ah, thanks for scaring him off, I could have sworn he was going to shoot me no matter how much I gave him". I sigh in relief, spinning around to face the man behind me. He wasn't wearing a mask, nor did he have a gun, so I wasn't as scared of him as I was the other guy. Doesn't mean I think this this guy is sunshine and rainbows. Who is walking alone out here past midnight, anyway? Oh right, me.

He has blue, almost green eyes and soft brown, short hair that is gelled in a messy style. He's wearing a navy blue suit with no tie and the white dress shirt under his blouse is unbuttoned slightly to reveal some of his toned chest. He's rather attractive and even his voice is rather soothing.

"He didn't hurt you, right? I'd have to go hunt him down if he did." He asks with his eyes staring down at me with worry and a little humor. The moon shining on his eyes kinda made the colour appear neon. At his words, I look down and shake my head, a faint blush dusting over my cheeks in embarrassment.

"Good... Sorry if this might sound blunt but, I thought you would have been smarter than this, Y/n..." the man shakes his head like he is disappointed in me. I however, quickly looked back up to look him in the eyes. How does he know my name? This has to be a prank right? The guy with the gun is going to jump out with a camera any second now and give me back all my belongings, yelling that I just got pranked.  

"Who the hell are you?" I ask with furrowed brows and a disturbed look on my face. The man's lips turn into a smirk and I realise I'm in trouble. I go to spin on my heel and run away like the other man with the gun did when he saw this man.

However before I can run away, the man smirks wickedly as he shows me a thick needle he had hidden behind his back, quickly grabbing my upper arm with his free hand and roughly yanking me towards him. I yell and flail my arms and legs around, hoping to get someone's attention or to get him off of me. However, no one is around and he's to strong for me to even knock him over.

"Say goodnight, love." He whispers in my ear before I feel the needle sting the side of my neck, a fluid seeping into my veins. The man let's go of my upper arm, only to grab my hand and wrap his other arm around my waist, hoisting me up and throwing me over his shoulder. Whatever he injected me with causes me to lose all use of my limbs, turn me into a rag doll before I lose consciousness.

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