sans finally leaves his room and must have noticed the open window because a little while later he appears next to you.

"what are you doing out here?" he asks.
he seems concerned, you wouldnt blame him considering you crawled through a window to get here.

"just enjoying the view, what about you?" you say, continuing to look at the surrounding scenery.

"looking for you.." he says, "I finished getting the room set up".
there is a short silence in the air before you answer.

"oh..ok" you say.
the silence returns.

"hey sans?"you ask, "does anyone live in that shack there?".
you point towards the structure next door.

"oh thats just the basement/garage." he says, "its for holding captured...prisoners, my brothers on the royal guard so.." he seems uncomfortable.

"oh, so i probably couldn't and wouldnt want to be in the situation where I'd have to live there then." you say.

"pretty much" he says.
the silence returns once more.

you both just stand on the balcony looking out at the view in silence.
its nice, being up here..
its fortunate that it can last a little longer.

"hey [*you*]" he starts.

"yeah?" you ask.

"it really is a nice view" he says.

"yeah." you say. "to bad it cant last forever.."
you sigh, and reluctantly head back inside.

sans seems to have paused for a second, but appears inside a little while after you.
he follows you into his room, closing the door behind him.
his room is not too messy but it wouldnt make sense for it to be super messy considering he just spent all that time trying to get it to look presentable.

"[*you*].." he starts.
he seems tense.

"yeah?" you ask.

"are you able to reset?" he asks.
he sounds serious.

"reset?" you ask.

"if you died, could you reverse time and try again?" he asks.

"I dont know, I dont think ive ever died.." you say.

"ok.." he says.

you're about to ask why, but decide against it.
you walk over to the left side of the room and plop down on a mattress.
You look over at sans as he flops onto the other mattress.
He looks tired, and like he wants to forget something too.
But even if he did, he probably wouldn't tell you.

You wonder why you keep things from other people.
Is it because they keep things from you?
Or is it because you don't want to burden them and they don't want to burden you?
Or is that just a lie you tell yourself as a reason to keep lying about what you want and how you feel.
Have you been so blind as believe that lie?
And how do you expect anyone to see the truth behind the lies?
But at the fore front of your mind all you really want is to forget why your lying and that your lying at all.
Why can't you just be a completely blank slate?
Why are there still fragments there?
Why the f*ck can't you sleep?
Sans had fallen asleep awhile ago so you tried to sleep as well but your eyes won't close.
You don't remember ever being able to blink at all so maybe you just can't sleep..
But if that's the case, how the f*ck are you supposed to function?
Isn't sleep a necessity to live?

I mean you could probably go blind from never closing your eyes because your eyes would dry out and could get permanently damaged, not to mention sleep is necessary for memory retention, well that might explain the lack of memories..but it still seems like a bit too much of your memory is gone for it to be solely just that.
Not to mention that even though it's rare for some one to die from lack of sleep it's still possible.

Insomniac (insomniac reader x all the sanses in existence)Where stories live. Discover now