Chapter 11

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Alexs POV

"Marissa whats going on? I'm kind of busy." i know that sounded rude but i have the biggest bulge right now. I don't want to be dealing with anyone else but Jack. "I'm sorry just she went to my house after school and we where hanging out now shes talking about killing herself. Alex she even said she has a suicide letter. I know what you went through so i figured you're the best choice to talk some sense into her." "Be there in 5" and i hung up. I quickly put back on my clothes and grabbed jacks hand to come with me. "I'll explain in the car. Macie if the guys ask tell them something happened with Lisa and me and Jack will be back soon." She just nodded and went back to soft snoring. Hm she really did fall asleep. Once in the car i sped on over to Marissas. "Ok Alex care to explain?" Jack asked. I didn't really want to flat out say it so i just said " Lisa needs help. I need to talk to her and shes at Marissas house." i didn't look at him but i heard him say "oh." We where there within minuets and i jumped out the car. I knocked a few times and after no reply i softly opened the unlocked door. "Hello? Marissa? Lisa?" "In here!" i heard Lisa say. I heard it come from the back room but before i went to her i turned to Jack. "Um Jack i know you want to know whats going on but-" "Just go Alex. She needs you." I could see hurt in his eyes and i wanted to reassure him that it's nothing like that but when i heard her cry out my name i ran back to the room. 

Jacks POV

Oh wow! All Lisa had to do was call his name and he came running! Gosh whatever just happened between us at Rians obviously was just him being horny and his true feelings are for Lisa. "Hey Jack." I jumped and looked over to see Marissa behind me standing next to the door. "Oh shit you scared me!" i laughed trying to cover the awkwardness that will probably come soon. "Then i can't wait to see you in a little bit." "What?" was all i could get out before i felt a sharp pain and everything went black.

Alexs POV

"Lisa whats going on? Please tell me what Marissa told me is a lie." She finally turned to me with mascara smudged all over her face. "Oh Lisa come here." I felt like i had to make those tears go away somehow. I held her tight "Why would you do this Lisa?" "I don't know. I just feel so lost and alone. Now i have no one and i just, i just don't know." This is my fault. I shouldn't of assumed she was alright like i did when we talked once school ended. "You're not alone. I'm here, Marissa is, the rest of your friends and family are. I love you." It's true i do love her. I'm just not sure in what way. "Do you mean it?" "Yes." she looked up at me and kissed me. It was just a soft, light kiss. But it left me confused about my feelings. Seeing her crying and knowing she feels like this breaks my heart. Like i have to take the pain away because i did kind of cause it. But another part of me tells me that Jack is the one i should be with. I should help Lisa but be with Jack. "You're confused aren't you?  Don't know who you want." she was staring right into my eyes "Yeah." i admitted. Then she kissed me again but with more force. She made me lie down on the bed and she got on top of me and we started making out.

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