"You know me?" Arabella asked furrowing her brows.

"Your face is on every magazine cover at the moment. Of course I know you, I bet over half the people in here does." The girl said, still just giving Arabella that cute smile.
"Oh.. right. Sorry, I tend to forget that my face is my job." She laughed and the girl laughed with her.
"It's fine, enjoy your cocoa."

The shop was almost filled up with pairs of two or three people, and Arabella suddenly felt very watched and uncomfortable as the barista's words replayed in her mind

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The shop was almost filled up with pairs of two or three people, and Arabella suddenly felt very watched and uncomfortable as the barista's words replayed in her mind.

It was weird getting recognised in public when it wasn't a red carpet event or a photoshoot.
Maybe everyone in here knew who she was?., She definitely recognised a few people who was also watching at her photoshoot earlier.
Arabella's eyes scanned the crowd for an empty table, but soon realised there wasn't any, and that she would have to join someone else's if she wanted to sit.

This place is almost always empty, why is there so many people today?

Arabella quickly decided on joining a man that was sitting by a table alone in a far corner.
He looked friendly she thought, kind of like a golden retriever. He was a bit chubby, but definitely not fat, and his hair was almost shoulder length, blonde and combed back.

"I'm sorry, there isn't any other tables left, so I was wondering if I could join you? Unless you're waiting for someone of course." The startled man looked up from whatever papers he was reading and to her, recognition shining brightly in his eyes as he did so.

"I am waiting for some one actually.. -but no one important! J-Just a colleague, you can sit." She chuckled at his blabber and sat down across from him.
"Foggy Nelson." He said shaking her hand.

"Arabella Oublié, nice to meet you Mr. Nelson." He smiled widely at her as she dipped her finger in the whipped cream on top of her cocoa and put it in her mouth leaning back in her chair.
Foggy smiled at how normal and relaxed she seemed.
"You can call me Foggy, it's fine."

"Alright, Foggy, you can call me Bella then, or Ara.." She smiled and made a short break in her sentence. "—You said you were waiting for a colleague right? Wouldn't happen to be a girl named Karen from the law firm Nelson and Murdock?" Arabella asked curiously, examining him quickly with her eyes.
He was wearing a casual blazer and a dress shirt, and a patterned tie that matched his blue eyes.
Definitely could be a lawyer's outfit.

"Yea! How did you know?! Nelson and Murdock, attorneys at law. Founded it ourselves, bought an office here in Hell's Kitchen almost two weeks ago today." He looked proud, Arabella thought. "—I would ask you what you work as, but I'm afraid I already know. You and your manager's names are everywhere at the moment, the same with your story." Arabella blushed. She had never been the flashy type and was always very humble and/or grateful when people praised or recognised her and Raoul's work.

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