Taemin nods. "Thank you. You've done us a service we can't repay."

Jimin stays in Jongin's apartment while he and Taemin head out for the day. He showed Jimin how to make food for himself and how the tv works before he left. Jimin has it on some kids channel for Jiah to stare at while he looks around the den. It's a large living space compared to what Jimin is used to. The sleeping area is separated from the rest of the home. There's a bathroom, something very foreign to him along with washing machines. Jongin put Jiah's cloth diapers in there to be cleaned and put on some they bought at the store. Ones that can be thrown away after use. When they changed Jiah, Jongin had been a little surprised by the pup's privates. Jimin had forgotten that subspecies weren't a thing humans had. Gender is mostly determined by smell rather than presenting genitalia among wolves.

There are some books that Jimin entertains himself with. He keeps the balcony doors open, in case he might hear a wolf howl. It cools down the apartment, but Jimin is used to chill air anyway. It reminds him of the forest even if the smell is all wrong. He can fool himself into thinking he's in the woods again if he closes his eyes and breathes through his mouth.

Jimin tries to keep himself busy, but without the normal pack chores he feels bored. And boredom only gives him the chance to overthink.

Why hasn't he heard any of his pack mates calling? The pack leaders especially? The only reason they wouldn't come for Jiah is their death. Surely he and Taemin weren't the only wolves to make it to safety? And if they were what were they going to do? They couldn't go back to their territory. They couldn't find somewhere new either. Just the two of them woudn't be able survive, they need a pack. Unless they stayed in the city, but they don't know anything about how human life works. And Jiah would grow up without her culture and without a pack. But in that scenario Jiah also wouldn't have her parents. Jimin thinks he can raise the pup if he has to, but how is going to provide for her? How is he going to explain to her what happened to her parents when she grows up?

Jimin himself feels the loss of the leaders strongly. He'd grown so close to them. Now he was alone again.


"Don't move. I'm too comfortable," Taehyung whines. Jimin chuckles at the omega with his head in Jimin's lap. The younger had curled up with Jimin's leg contently when he arrived in the head den and so far Taehyung hasn't moved. The omega's scent wafts up to Jimin's nose. Vanilla and peach. Sweet and soothing just like the omega himself.

"Let him breath Tae," Jin scolds. The beta is trying to teach Jiah how to say 'appa' although the newly turned seven month old hasn't made a single sound that resembles the word. They expect her to start saying it soon, but for now she is content with giggles and gurgles.

Jimin doesn't really mind having Taehyung lay on him. He's gotten used to it lately after all. However, Jimin doesn't expect Taehyung to pull him close and kiss him dead on the mouth. It doesn't last long, just a quick peck, but Jimin's eyes are wide.

"Sorry," Taehyung says. "You just looked cute."

Jimin flushes. That's first time he's been kissed in a long time. Taehyung's lips are soft and plush too, which only makes him want to lean down and kiss him again. He wants to take his time. Wants to see if Taehyung tastes as sweet as he smells. But Jimin refrains. He decided a while ago to keep things slow. He thinks it's appropriate considering that the six leaders are mated. He doesn't want to overstep. But he can see Jin just smiling at the two them, something like contentedness in his eyes.

The beta leans over quickly and kisses Jimin's cheek before going back to talking to Jiah like it never happened.

It's a week after that that Yoongi kisses him. It takes Jimin by surprise again. It's as he's leaving the head den after a night of  calm conversation with the leaders that the alpha kisses him goodbye. It lasts for a few seconds and Jimin relaxes into the feeling of Yoongi's lips. It's easy to melt underneath Yoongi. The alpha has an aura around him that screams 'mate-material.'

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