Liam and Zayn smiled at Harry when he sat down, not knowing what had happened the night before. Louis and Niall just looked away awkwardly, not saying a word to the man.

Harry poured himself a glass of water that was sat on the table and used it to help swallow the pills.

Louis had expected Harry to walk over with a plate full of hangover food like he used to when he had been out the night before, however he just sat there not speaking a word to them, probably still a bit out of it from all the drugs he had taken previously.

As if he had read his mind, Liam spoke up.

"Aren't you hungry Haz?" He asked, confusion written on his face.

Harry snapped his head up, probably not doing his obvious headache any favours as he groaned and rubbed his forehead.

"No" is all he replied, however everyone could hear his stomach rumbling.

Liam looked confusedly at the rest of the boys, but shrugging it off a second later.

The tension at the table could be cut with a knife. It was only a matter of time before Liam and Zayn caught on and started asking questions.

"Okay what's happened?" Zayn asked the three of them, setting down his knife and fork.

"Nothing, why?" Louis replied.

"Oh don't bullshit me Lou, the tension in here is killing me" he said.

"You haven't checked twitter yet?" Is all Niall said.

Zayn raised his eyebrows at Niall before pulling out his phone and going straight to the app. It was easy to tell that he knew the truth now, as his eyes widened and his head shot up to glare at them all.

"The fuck were you doing at a club?" He exclaimed, once again, doing no justice for Harrys headache.

"Keep the fucking noise down" Harry said harshly, closing his eyes and rubbing his temples.

"No I won't just keep the noise down, you guys aren't even meant to be out before the reunion, what were you thinking? If management find out I swear to-

"They won't, that's the whole reason we followed Harry out anyway, so we could save your arses from getting shit from Simon" Niall said with a huff.

"Okay whatever, but why were you out in the first place?" Liam questioned.

"We saw that Harry had gone out so we followed him there and brought him back to the hotel" Louis explained.

"Okay so why was Harry out?" Zayn asked, giving an expectant look towards Harry.

Harry opened his eyes again, looking guiltily at the boys. He knew he had fucked up, but after the events at the studio he needed something to take the edge off.

"I don't need to explain myself to you" Harry replies nonchalantly.

"If it involves us then yes Harry, I think you do mate" Liam said, starting to get annoyed at the lack of answers.

"I just needed to let off some steam I guess" he said rolling his eyes and looking down at the table.

"Just don't do it again for gods sake" Zayn said going back to his meal.

"Fine I won't, but don't fucking boss me around" Harry said angrily.

"Whatever" is all Zayn replied, Scoffing at Harrys attitude.

When it went silent Harrys stomach started rumbling again, catching Louis' attention. However Harry did nothing about it, instead just drinking more water.

It was weird for Louis to see him like this, Harry had always been such a big food lover, always cooking new meals and getting takeaways with him to eat in front of the tv while gogglebox was playing.

He assumed his lack of motivation to eat was due to feeling sick after how much alcohol he had consumed, but he still needed to eat something. So that's why Louis pushed his own plate over to Harrys line of vision.

Harry looked up at Louis with a confused expression. Louis raised an eyebrow and nodded down to the food, encouraging him to eat something.

Louis was not expecting the reaction he got though.

Harry shook his head and abruptly stood up, walking out of the restaurant and heading for his room.

He really needed to stop leaving all the time, is all that Louis thought as he stared at Harrys retreating back.

Author notes:

Okay so this is obviously just a filler chapter as I needed something to write before I start on the actual reunion stuff. So on that note my apologies if this was a bit boring.

Hey at least there was some ziam action though, even if it was small ;)

I'm past 100 reads and I'm a little shocked as I didn't even expect 10 people to find this fic. It's not much (obviously) but I'm still really pleased :)

Thank you to anyone voting and I'd really like so see some comments as I'm curious to see what you guys think of this so far?

Love you all xxx

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