Chapter 16: What was Sent

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Lucian's head couldn't quite get used to the fact that he was kissing her. Even in his dreams(and he had dreamed of it), it wasn't this good. He wished he had five more hands, for the sole purpose of discovering her. He was hyper aware of her, as though the moment her lips touched his, his senses were awakened to new, revolutionizing sounds, tastes, and touches.

He could still taste hints of the caramel syrup she'd generous helped herself to. Only she would have decided that caramel was a necessity for life. He would have smiled if his lips weren't so enjoyable occupied.

The current between them pulled at him, demanding more. He answered it, knowing there was no going back. He deepened the kiss.

If he had any hopes of returning from the Tower as the man he had come there as they were dashed now. It had changed him. She had changed him. He didn't mind, actually, he couldn't help but wonder if, in fact, it wasn't a good thing?


Lucian and Seren had fallen into comfortable companionship, following the events of the cave. It was all too easy and more than that. It was right. At least, to Lucian, it felt that way. She was a place of comfort for him. More than that, if he was honest. She was the moment when one woke up with a smile and one realised they were smiling. That moment when just before the rain fell and one could smell it hanging in the air. That was Seren to him, moments of pure joy.

It was these thoughts that ran through Lucian's mind as he noted Seren's figure coming towards the tower. She was returning from a recent business trip to the village.

He had offered to go with her, but she insisted on going by herself. She said that she wanted to see what people had thought of him and what the gossip was.

He waved at her. She halted and waved back before assuming a quicker pace. He couldn't help but be pleased with the small action. It seemed she was just as eager to see him as he was her. Deciding he couldn't wait, he hastened to meet her midway. She started running towards him; he stopped and opened his arms wide. She dropped her little basket and threw herself at him. She collided with him, causing him to almost bowl over. They were both laughing and in that moment of jubilation, he spun her around. Her arms wound their way around his neck as they came to a breathless stop. She smiled and looked over his face, while he ran his eyes over hers. Her lips covered his and Lucian was sure that would be the last time anyone ever heard a coherent word from him again.

"Hi!" She breathed against his lips as the kiss ended, a smile curling her lips.

"Hi," he replied, his own lips turned upwards, "We missed you."


He nodded.

"Good!" she beamed, "I have stories to tell."

He let her down and picked up her basket earning himself a filthy look. She held out her hand, waiting for him to give her the basket. She would only let him be gentlemanly to an extent.

With a sigh, he handed to her. However, the smile she gifted him with made it worthwhile.

"So," she began as they ambled towards the Tower. "The villagers asked after you."

"Oh?" he quirked a brow, a light smile ghosting his face.

"Mmhmm," she nodded, "You must have made some kind of impression on them. They asked how you were, if I was better now, and how wonderful it must be to have such a caring husband!"

He grinned, "So I'm your husband now?"

"Apparently," she commented. They stopped in front of the bricks that formed the base of the tower. Seren placed her hand on the brick that Lucian could now easily discern as the enchanted one that made it possible for them to enter the tower. Lucian followed Seren inside where, much to her surprise and his dismay, Ian flew at them, quacking frantically.

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