The tunnel

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Liam was still holding my hand and dragging me outside towards two brown and black painted doors outside on the ground(painted to camouflage). Liam let go of my hand and started pushing the branches that where covering the doors away onto the ground. He reached down and grasped the black handles on the door and pried them open. Liam grabbed my arm and pulled me towards the door but then let go of me and whispered "go. I'll be right behind you." I jumped into the bomb shelter kind of a thing and then looked behind me just to make sure that Liam was in fact coming in after me and that he wasn't just putting me in here so he could sell me out to the troopers. He had already jumped into the shelter and had closed the right door but was reaching out and pulling the branches that where previously on the doors back on top of the doors and then he finally closed the left door.

It was pitch black again but I could see his hand reaching out towards me just a slight bit, I reached my hand out as well and met with his. He fumbled around a little bit, when I heard a scratchy screech and a small flicker of light brightened the shelter. When we started walking, it was then that I was really surprised. It wasn't a shelter it was a tunnel.

"Come on we need to start moving. These matches burn out quick and we don't have many of them." Liam explained, so still holding his hand we started walking down the tunnel. Every time the match burned out Liam took a deep breath in and drop the burned down to the end match onto the ground and shook his hand to cool it off. We where about 700 metres down the tunnel when Liam told me that we only had two matches left. I sighed and rubbed the left side of my face and asked "do you know how far the tunnel goes for until we reach the end?"

"not exactly but.... I know we can't reach the end with two matches and we definitely can't reach the end in the dark."

"Why not?"

"Because up ahead it isn't the same tunnel that we walked into at the start. There are different off side tunnels that if you turn down you don't even realise and no one knows where the lead to. Also the tunnel starts to get smaller up ahead but there are two tunnels and if you go up the wrong one you can't turn around and come back, the tunnel space is to small and also the tunnel door blocks somehow." He said and his tone was starting to go sour. 'Blocks?' my mind kept repeating

"Okay. I think what we have to do it choose an off side tunnel and just walk as fast as we can down it. Who knows it might go somewhere useful." I sagest "I don't know. No one has ever come back from going down the side tunnels." Liam said with dismay, what are we going to do?

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