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"Crap" I whispered I turned back around to face the direction that Liam ran away in and sprint. "Liam!" I screamed franticly "Liam!" I screamed again. I can't see or hear him anywhere. "Liam." I say again in one final attempt to try and find him before I run out of breath or die for all that matter, but I'm snapped out of my thoughts when an arm reaches out and grips my arm firmly and pulled me towards them. Thank god it was Liam. "come on" he said and then started off running again I jerked into motion again and started running behind him. The sound of squelching was just getting louder and louder and I was sure the creatures where going to take our life's but then Liam turned around grabbed my arm again and pulled me around a corner. I was so out of breath that I couldn't say a word and I wouldn't be able to keep this up much longer!
"Liam..." I say but I trail off because I'm so out of breath but I continue "I...Can't...Go...any...further." I don't even know if he heard me or not, I run the last little bit before I have to stop but before I stop I run up to Liam and tug on his wrist. I stop making him stop with me and pant through my words "I...Can't!" He is puffed out as well, he has droplets of sweat running down his face and his black shirt is darker at the front where it has absorbed his sweat. "Okay, what do you want to do?" He says
"There's no way out of here?" I ask "Well if we are in the right tunnel then there should be a ladder at the end but do you think you can make it?" "How far?" " another K or so. Can you do it?" "I'll try, but what happens if I can't make it?" I ask again. "We die, or I'll have to carry you." "Then let's go." And we start sprinting that last K but then we saw something glistening in the dim light of something up ahead.

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