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        Very long ago, when the world was young, a race of celestial beings were given to the world. The first gifts were given by the sun, they are known as the Aiundine, Children of the Sun. To the men they are known as Angels. From the Moon, called the Lunadine, Sons of the Moon, were later gifted. They were the chosen guardians of the world. Near the end of the First Age, darkness grew, to the point to where the Aiundine were confined to the land of Jeru, leaving the Lunadine with the task of guarding those living in these lands. Centuries later in a dark age, the Lunadine still wander the Earth while the Aindine have departed for the Eternal Kingdom. Yet a Darker magic is formed and wielded by the wizard Molgarth, The Man of Darkness. During these times, this adventure takes place. This journey will shape all future history yet to come.

        Many different species inhabit this land. The five most dominant, are Elves, Havenlords, Dwarves, Men, and the foul Orcs. The Elves came and recorded time and history. Their great wisdom comes from the Angels who taught them the ways of the Sun and Moon. Yet, some were arrogant and thought that their superior knowledge made them masters over the newcomers to the world, the Havenlords and Dwarves. Those who thought so became eaten by greed, anger, and pride. They became the Orcs. The warriors for evil, trying to rid all lands of the foolish. The Dwarves delved into the ground, building great kingdoms of stone, hiding from the sin of the Orcs.

        The Havenlords settled in a land known as Galdore, they lived in peace, yet as time went on those who lived in the South became lazy and greedy and enslaved the Dwaves. A great battle occurred between the mighty Northerners and the angry Southerners. The Havenlords occupied Northern Galdore, and they refused to be associated with the ones in the south, so they called them Man, because of their sinful acts. Man inhabited the south and, of the main five, had the shortest lives. When Molgarth took power of Orcs, the First Age came to an end. The Aiundine made sure no evil entered Jeru and the Lunadine were limited to only four. The few Lunadine left roamed the world looking for Molgarth, so they could destroy him and eliminate darkness from the Earth. The Second Age brought darkness, Orcs ruled the lands south of Galdore and waged war on Men and the blessed Havenlords.

        In the year of 362 S.A. (that is the Second Age) during the reign of Akamu's line, the Havenlord King Imran was blessed with two sons, Haroun, the eldest, and Bahero. When Haroun took the throne, he made it his goal to end the war and bring peace to land. He called for the aid of the Elves, and with their help, he was able to push the Orcs back out of Galdore.

        Molgarth was irritated with the Elves and those who lived in Galdore so he used his powers to conquer and enslave those in South Galdore and focused on eradicating the remaining Havenlords in the Northern lands. This is where this book begins, and this is when the course of history changes.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 01, 2017 ⏰

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