II | Noona

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It was almost midnight and Chanyeol's mom hadn't got home yet.

Chanyeol was starting to panic as fear crawled through his body.

His mom was supposed to be home at 8 o'clock sharp. This was the first time she was late and that scared Chanyeol.

Chanyeol remembered his mom's words telling him not to go out of their house alone. Ever. But when his mom was three hours late, was there really a choice other than go look for her?

The problem was Chanyeol didn't even know where to look. He just followed where his feet took him. Twenty minutes passed and Chanyeol was crying. He didn't know where he was nor did he find his mom. He started to think that he should've just stayed home.

But Chanyeol kept walking, simply because he didn't even know how to get home.

"M-mom," Chanyeol called. His voice broke as he sobbed harder.

Suddenly he saw three boys laughing. Chanyeol's eyes lit up as he walked faster towards said boys.

"E-ex-cuse me," Chanyeol said gaining attention from the group.

The group of boys eyed him up and down, confused on why the tall boy was standing in front of them with tears running down his face.

"C-can y-you g-gu-uys h-help me f-find m-my mom?" Chanyeol asked with tiny voice.

Chanyeol looked at the three boys with hopeful eyes only to be crushed down when he heard the three of them laughed.

"What even the fuck is this kid," one of them said while laughing at Chanyeol.

Chanyeol was about to try again when he suddenly getting dragged by those boys. The next thing he knew he was sitting on the cold ground, body trembling hard as those boys picked on him.


"So that's how you got yourself in that situation," Heeji said.

Chanyeol told her what happened – even though it was pretty hard for Heeji to understand what Chanyeol was trying to say since he was still pretty shaken.

Chanyeol nodded a little.

"Okay where are we going?" Heeji asked Chanyeol for directions.

Chanyeol stopped walking, so did Heeji. He lightly scratched his hair, head still bowed down. "I-I d-don't m-me-morize the s-street," he said not meeting Heeji's eyes.

Heeji frowned. "Do you know your address tho?"

Chanyeol nodded and told her his address. Heeji breathed a sigh of relief.

"Great! I know where that is."

And with that both of them started to walk again.

There were no words exchanged between them. The only sound heard was the little voices Chanyeol made which Heeji couldn't tell what.

It wasn't before Chanyeol spoke up and surprised Heeji yet again.

"C-can I-I h-hold y-your h-hand?" Chanyeol asked with tiny voice.

Heeji's eyes widened as she looked at Chanyeol. She wasn't a fan of skinship, even as little as a mere hand holding. The things she did earlier were nothing more than just to calmed Chanyeol down.

But as she saw how scared Chanyeol was, Heeji couldn't help but to extend her left hand for Chanyeol.

Chanyeol quickly took Heeji's hand, holding it tightly against his. Chanyeol's hand was a lot warmer than Heeji thought. Heeji smiled a little as she looked up only to findh Chanyeol already smiling shyly to her.

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