[0] Prologue

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I lay in my damp bed, It gave me the usual shivers of course and the temptation of screaming out to my mother, But she would of never come to my service instead she would sleep through my cries, I hug my knees and pulled over my useless blanket, It was all I could use as now my old beautiful blanket was torn to shreds by the horrid grinder, I sobbed and cried when I had first found out..

It wasn't like my blanket was a human was it? Mother should of checked but the smell of foul human got to her and she put it in there;

The grinder, The human hell

Made by mother of course, It is used for humans who mother hated, She would put the body of the human in and watch them be grinded together and once they had been grinded she would take the head and place on her wall under a letter, I'd watch her do this as she thought it was time for me to grow up and see what the world takes you to.

I admit I screamed and cried and looked away many times but mother laughed with pleasure..

I layed down and started counting to 100, I am quite used to counting to 100 when I am very scared, Especially when the memory of the grinder pop's into my head, I heard a thud from mother's room, I jumped up and nearly choked from the spit in my mouth.

"Yes child?" Mother boomed, As nice as she could but it wasn't very nice as she tried to grind me once.

"Why are you awake? At this time?" She asked and came into my bedroom, She was well known for being able to see through walls that was very creepy.

"Mother, I was trying to get myself to sleep by counting to 100" I lied, She never knew that I would count to 100 when I was scared.

"Right, Now you must sleep" She said, She was not innocent about murdering my beloved father while he was asleep, So I never slept.

I nodded slowly and closed my eyes, I could still see the outside world through my eyelids, Watching to see if my mother would stare still at me in delight and try and stab me to death while I slept.

She seemed to trot off into her bedroom that has not been cleaned in hm.. Years I do guess? Sometimes I have the feeling she sleeps on the rotten couch in her bedroom with my father's pillow there and a long, Warm heat warmer, I begged and pleaded for one when it's winter but she refused.

Well goodnight my diary..
I guess.

So this book took a long time for my editor to edit so sometimes I edited it because I felt guilty for letting her edit it all, So spelling mistakes might be made and nothing making sense may be in the text still. I tried my hardest to try and edit it all but sometimes I don't read it through.

Chapter one may be in late but I'll try and get it in my next week.

Sunny (Lizzy)~

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