A discovery in the Ravenclaw vault

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Warning for blood and cutting of body. Stay safe guys.

One would think it would be easy to forget what happened, but certain people couldn't forget to save their lives. Harry found it to be annoying in some ways so he decided to pay another visit to his vault's. This time he was specifically going to the Ravenclaw Vault. So after riding down to the vault Harry began exploring by himself with the promise that the twins and Sirius would be there later.

Harry took his time before entering the Ravenclaw Vault and took in the detail on the out side of it. The first thing was the door was huge not even the Goblins knew how tall it was. It was said that the first five vaults were created by the founders and Merlin themselves. There are so many secrets to discover and most have never been found. The door itself was a huge Raven with it's claws out and ready to strike. When the door opened a strong breeze blew outward knocking Harry and the goblin to the ground. After getting back up Harry slowly made his way into the vault.

The main room was bare of anything that would even identify the vault as Ravenclaw's vault. There were three paths that branched out from the main room. One clearly went to a library of sorts this path was on the left side Harry decided to leave it for now. The path on the right went on for quite some time with no end in sight and no indication of what was at the end of it. The third and final path in front of him lead to what could only be an altar and a lectern with a large book on top of it.

Harry stepped closer to the altar to examine it more closely. Upon closer inspection Harry discovered that the altar had a dagger sitting on top of it. The altar it's self was carved with what looked like runes carved into the stone altar. As Harry continued to look at the book his eyes glazed over and his hands raised to pick the dagger up from where it lay. He raised the dagger to his wrist and slit it turning the open wound toward the book. The ancient book hovered as it began turning it's pages to one set of pages. On the Right side was a poem it read as follows:

A time may come
A key may rise
A time may come
The world may die
The end is near
Oh yes, a time may come
A key may rise
Watch your step
Take head my warning
It could be your last
Take head this warning
You may think the world is fine
But the flood is coming
It may start gently but don't be fooled
The end is coming
And the key is your only hope.

On the opposite page was a picture of a person on an island surrounded by water in a storm. The book turned to the next page as Harry moved his still bleeding wrist towards the alter. As the blood began to flow onto the alter the runes began to light up. The runes began to project onto the ceiling of the vault. Harry felt the urge to lay on the alter but before he did that he stripped down to his boxers and slit his other wrist then lay on the alter.

As soon as he got into position the runes that were projected onto the ceiling began to shine down onto Harry's body. The runes shined onto specific areas and on contact began to burn their mark into him lines from each rune began to spider to the center of Harry's chest. Once they reached his chest they began to form an all to familiar symbol, the thing that everyone would soon come to fear and know the importance of. What was it you may ask well that my friend was a key, a simple yet terrifying symbol or at least it would be soon.

Harry was starting to regret coming down here today. He wasn't sure how he got onto the alter or how his wrists were cut, but now he can't move his body at all. Looking up at the ceiling of the vault he saw runes projected all around him and he wasn't sure what they meant at all. Then the runes began to project onto his body and he entered a trance like state as his mind began to recite a poem. It wasn't just any poem either it was the one from the book not that Harry knew that as he didn't even remember reading it. He was brought out his trance like state again by a searing pain starting at various points on his body. Slowly however the pain made its way to the center of his chest once it reached this area the pain intensified causing him to cry out in pain. Slowly but surely the pain continued the increase until it caused him to pass out from the pain.

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