Page 3: Connection

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Me and Emma are getting along. Freddy is not enjoying the view of us near each other.

I wonder what ahead of us.


"Kreacher has many stories to tell!"

"Really? Can you tell atleast one of them?"

"Of course, anything for Emma."


"Kreacher used to hangout with a little girl who was abandoned and maybe mentally disabled? In an asylum, of course."

"Kreacher knows she's out there."

"She looks just like you but-"


"Nevermind, Kreacher does not remember!"


"Mr. Pierson,"


"What was her name?"

"Like Kreacher said, Kreacher does not remember, but her last name started with the letter 'B', to Kreacher's perspective!"

"What was the asylum's name?"

"Kreacher does not remember. Very sorry, Miss Woods."

"It's ok, Mr. Pierson."

"Are you two done yet?"

"Mr. Riley,"

"Why don't you wait for a little more? I need to check out the garden."

"Yeah, be quick. I'm starving."

"Of course you are."

"Shut it, thief."

"Shut it, mouse teeth. Kreacher does not know how did you get a wife with that type of teeth."



"Sorry Miss Woods."


"Well, I shall be back, please behave for once!"

"R-right. K-kreacher will be-behave."


Miss Woods,

You're beautiful.

I wish to run away with you,

Though we just met.

I love you.

I will not let anyone get in my way,

Not even a close friend of yours,

Not even an enemy.


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24, 2019 ⏰

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