"I Just Wanna Know"

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Jungkook : Yo Yoongi Hyung, can I ask you something?

Yoongi : What? *disturbed face*

Jungkook : How does alcohol tastes like?

Yoongi : *looking at the kitchen* *checking if Jin is hearing or not* *scared to answer because of Jin* Go ask Namjoon, he'll answer you...

Jungkook went to ask Namjoon...

Jungkook : Hyung, how does alcohol tastes like?

Namjoon : *who's drinking water* *choked* *coughs* Why are you asking that?

Jungkook : I just wanna know...

Namjoon : *scratches his head* Go ask Hobie, he'll definitely answer you... *checks if Jin is hearing*

Jungkook went to ask Jhope....

Jungkook : Hobie Hyung?

Jhope : Yes?

Jungkook : How does alcohol tastes like?

Jhope : Oh no... Y-you v-v-very dirty water no no... Very no funeuu... Noteu holyyy...

Jungkook : *sighs* Then I'll go and ask Tae hyung... Maybe he'll know...

Jungkook went to Tae....

Jungkook : Taehyung, how does alcohol taste like... Or maybe what happened if you drink too much.... Anything... just please answer me....

Taehyung : Go and look at Jimin Hyung in his room... And you'll find the answer..

Jungkook : *immediately went upstairs to Jimin's room* *hears Jimin talking alone* *pushes the door open without knocking* *saw Jimin talking alone to his posters of Jungkook* *got scared for life* *can't sleep at night*

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