The Burn of an Ice Dragon

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The summer breeze is welcoming against my cold skin. It's days like these that I appreciate the heat. With the sun high in the air, I fill my lungs with the sweet sent of fresh green grass.

"I've forgotten how much I love the smell of grass." I whisper to myself.

I stand up and look around. My surroundings suddenly change from a warm summer field to a freezing snow covered wasteland. I wrap my arms around myself like I was cold, though I knew I wasn't. The sky is darker than earlier. Nothingness surrounds me and closes in tightly. I look towards the sky to view the dark snow clouds forming ahead. It wasn't the blizzard which I knew was coming that frightened me though. Rocks of flame came crashing through the clouds setting the snow around me on fire. I recognized this magic, though I didn't know who owned it. More and more rocks fall around me. Soon the wasteland was more fire than snow, the only snow left being under my own feet. I look up fearfully to see a rock twice the size as myself hurling towards me. I feel it hit my head and-

"We're late!" I wake up to the sound of my sisters voice and from being hit with a bible which she threw at me.

"I had the strangest dream." I say to my sister. She was only half way ready when I began to dress.

"You can tell me on the way. Hurry up and get ready!"

I finish dressing quickly and rush after my sister who had ran downstairs. Ms. Drate had made ten plates of bacon and eggs for the each of us, eight of them already finished. Mine was the only one untouched while my sister was just starting hers.

"Quickly girls! Your ride will be leaving shortly!" Ms. Drate was helping the younger five adjust their dresses and packs leaving the older of us to do it ourselves.

"Gracey hurry and finish!" My older sister leaves the table and readies her pack.

"I'm coming, I'm coming." I wasn't as excited as the rest of them. Frankly I'd rather be sleeping than going to an early bible study.

As soon as I had finished, my sister Jade tosses me my pack and we rush outside to where the other girls were waiting for our ride. Ms. Drate was left inside to clean up what we left. Knowing there was a few minutes to spare before our ride arrived, I tell Jade my dream. I could tell she was more distracted on another thought though.

A blue bus pulls up and we file in. The bus was small, unable to hold anymore than ten passengers plus the driver. I sat near the front of the bus with Jade and rest my forehead on the leather seat ahead to try to catch some z's.

When I fall back asleep, I'm back in the snowy wasteland. The fire rocks began to rain down once more. I start to panic because I knew what would happen if I were to hold still. From instinct I look back towards the sky to see if anything has changed. I could see something swimming- no it was two somethings swimming above the clouds. I take my chance and hold still so I could concentrate more on the flying figures. Blue and red light were shining like a light show behind the clouds. It looked like ice and fire lightning but I couldn't make it out. I take a quick glance to my right to see a-

I wake up with a thump. I was hit with yet again another fire rock. My dream self was starting to annoy my awake self.

~Written January 2017~

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