Once I believe my mom has gotten calmer, I walk her to her room and help her get ready for bed. Once she is ready, I turn all of her lights off and I close the door to head to my room for the night.

As I'm walking to my room, I hear small footsteps and turn around to see Maria peeking her head out from behind her door.

"Bubby, what's going on?" She says, running to my leg and clinging to it.

"It's okay, Marie. Just someone that was at our door."


(Hunter's POV)

I notice Noah is looking off today. I decide to go to him first during class today, so I could talk to him.

I sit down in the seat beside him and he barely acknowledges me. Instead, he has a blank stare on his face as he stares forward into space. He looks very lost in thought.

I tap his shoulder to get his attention, and he immediately turns to me out of shock. Once he sees its me, he sighs.

"Hey, Hunter." The way he said hi to me, didn't sound very happy. It makes me worried.

"Hey dude. What happened? Are you okay?" I ask, curious as to why he's acting strange.

He just scoffs and rolls his eyes. "Nothing happened. Why wouldn't I be okay? I'm just great!" He says, in a way too happy tone. Which tells me something is definitely going on.

"Hey." I put my hand on his shoulder, and ignore how happy it makes me feel to have him close. "You can talk to me about anything. What's going on?"

Noah stays silent, and I remove my hand from his shoulder. He sighs and turns to me. "We can talk about it later, okay?" He looks very...defeated? I don't really know, but whatever look he's giving me right now makes me really sad at the thought that he isn't happy.

"Okay. Whenever your ready." He nods his head and turns his head back to the front of the classroom where the teacher is teaching something I probably won't listen to anyway. Knowing Noah, he'll probably pay as much attention as possible to keep up his good grades. I should probably be more like him and get good grades, but I just can't pay that much attention in class to do so.

I turn slightly and I can see Jason out of the corner of my eye. He's looking at me and Noah, with maybe a smile?

I look back at him with a questioning look and he smirks at me and turns away.

What was that?


After class is over, I pull Noah to the side where no one will bother us. I stare at him and he looks down at the floor, maybe with shame? I'm not sure.

"What's wrong, man? You can tell me." I say to him. I hear a sniffle, and look at Noah. He brings his hand up to his face and rubs his eyes. Is he crying?

"I'm-uh..." sniffle. "Sorry." He begins to turn around and leave, but I grab his hoodie and bring him back. I pull him into a hug and hold onto him tight.

"You have nothing to be sorry for." I rub his back and he wraps his arms around me too. I hear him sniffle again and his cries turn into soft sobs as I hold onto him.

"...Dad came back. Jess left him, and he wanted somewhere to go. Mom said no." He says, his sobs growing a little quieter, but they are still there.

I tighten my hold on him. That asshole. How could he leave his son so easily like that?

"It's okay. I'm here." He continues to quietly cry into my shoulder and I hold onto him tight. I won't ever let him go when he needs me.

I'm going to get back at his dad, somehow. The asshole.


Well this chapter was kinda sad, but loving at the same time? The boys were brought closer together at least!

I'm disregarding my incomplete homework at the moment to write this chapter. *glares at textbook*

I think I really like this chapter, it shows one, if not the only, one of Noah's weaknesses. And Hunter is there to help him through it

Qotc: Favorite subject in school?

Aotc: mine personally is History. I'm not sure why, I just really like learning about that stuff.

I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Bye fellow Wattpadians!

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