Christmas Miracle (Gerard Way - smut)

Start from the beginning

Speak if the devil, and he shall appear.

My phone rings frim the living room, and I waltz in to get it. Holding it a good distance from my ear, I brace myself for my mothers shrieking. 

"Ahh! Hi sweeeetieee! How're you?"

"I'm good, mom. How are you?" I sigh. I love my mother dearly but her excitement is too over the top. I'm never in the mood for anything overly happy - given everything thats happened - and my mother's no exception.

"Oh! I'm just delightful, honey. The weathwr down here's so niiiceee. The water's so cleaaarr."

"Thats great, mom."

"When are you gonna come down here with me. It'll help, you know, with everything that happened. A little vacation never hurt anyone."

And there it is. The annual guilt trip. This time using what happened last year a tactic to persuade me even more.

"Mom, I'm fine here. Besides things are getting...better," at this point I'm just trying to convince myself because I knew she can see right through my facâde.

"Okay, honey," I can almost hear her frown. "I love you. And I will see you next year. No if's, and's,or but's about it."

"I love you too, mom." I chuckle a bit and hang up the phone.


Looking around my apartment, I finally notice the state of chaos that my life is actually in. Mail, newspapers, and magazines askew; spilling off of the coffee table and onto the living room floor. Dishes piled high in the sink, despite the multiple take out containers also litered around my kitchen. Coats off the coat hanger in the hallway. Shoes strung all about the downstairs. My living space is a catastrophe.

I begin in the kitchen; throwing away all the disposable containers and scrubbing up the dishes. Washing down the stove and cupboards discovering both of the used to be a much lighter color. The stove a slate gray glass-topped electric stove with a white exterior and the cabinets a light ebony. I remove the curtains from both the window over the stove and the back door and clean the window glass. I sweep and mop the floor, and three hours later, the kitchen is spotless.

I then move on to tackling the living room. I gather up my stray hoodies and winter coast and place them back on the hooks in the hallway where they go. The papers get rummaged through and made into three piles: trash, bills, other impprtants. I stack the bills and other important mail back into the coffee table before tossing out my junk mail. I neatly place the throw pillows back onto the couch and fold up the various blankets that I've used in here and return them to the storage closet. I shift the coffee table back to the center of the room, straighten the door mat, place the movies properly back under the television stand, and sweep and mop this floor, too. Another 3 hours down, all of upstairs to go.

It's eight p.m. christmas evening, and I've nothing to do but clean my house. Downstairs looks pretty damn good, so I decise to reward myself with another cup of coffee. On my way into the kitchen, I notice a soft light peeking in through my bare kitchen window from the back yard. I warily head over to the door and step outside. The light begins to manifest into the shape of.. a human. Distinch features are forming. Toned arms and legs. A narrow torso. Soft facial features. I'm pretty sure im going crazy at this point but...

"Gee," I desperately call out. Insane, I know, but the light begins to dim and theres nothing left but Gerard standing a mere two yards in front of me. He begins to step closer. Tears prick in the corners of my eyes. "Gerard, is that really you?"

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 17, 2020 ⏰

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