"I know you are, baby." John says.

"Are you going to stay with me? Even after he's gone?" I ask John. I begin to feel a fear that he'll say no.

"I promise. I'll always be here for you." He says, brushing my cheek. I smile, and roll ontop of him, giving him a kiss.

"What's our future going to look like?" I ask. He traces the lines on my hand.

"We're going to live in a big house outside of town, enough room for the kids. I'll raise 'em like my own, and maybe we'll have a few more." He says. I smile and laugh as he goes in to kiss my neck.

"I love that idea." He pulls away so he can see my eyes.

"Really?" He asks. I nod. "I do too."

I march into John's office, practically screaming. He's taken by surprise as I push him and hit him. God, I hate him.

"You fucking liar!" I scream. Kendricks looks at me as I continue to punch him. "I hate you!"

"What the hell did I do?" He screams back. I can tell he's about to lose it with me.

"You told me he was gone. You said he had no chance at waking up, none." I start. I scream so loudly it hurts. "Now, he's awake. Not very aware, but awake. The other doctors said that in about an hour, he'll be fully awake and aware." I say. Kendricks covers his mouth slowly and tries to think.

"Fuck..." He says, sitting down in his chair.

"You were just pulling it out of your ass, so I would actually fall for you." I say.

"Listen, Faith. I can fix this." He says.

"By doing what?" I scream. He shrugs.

"I can get rid of him." He says. A knot forms in my throat. He grabs my hand. "I can hire someone, or hell, I'll do it myself. I could go and do it right now. Call it an accident, or mistake in the chart." I feel sickened.

"Get away from me." I demand.

"Faith!" He warns as I go for the door. I leave. Tim needs me now.


I wander the hospital halls, trying to blow some steam. It makes me sick just seeing Tim and John standing near each other. If only Tim had known that only a few years ago, he was offering to kill him. He's my biggest mistake. I don't know what kind of desperate thoughts were going through my head, but they weren't wise.

I walk down what seems like a million halls, till someone stops me. He appears to be a doctor.

"Hi, ms." He says kindly. I shoot him a kind smile. He has once hand behind his back. Before I can speculate, he launches a needle into my shoulder. I blackout almost immediately.

I wake up in a room unfamilar to me. A small window illuminates the dark, grey room. The only furnature is a bed, and a table. I'm laid on the bed, which is burning my skin. The mattress seems to be worn, so the metal springs are poking through the fabric. A man is standing at the foot of the bed. I lift my head up to see his pants around his ankles. He's hurting me...

I begin to feel it as my senses return. I try to pull away, but he pulls me back with vigor. I begin to kick and scream, praying someone near will hear. He smacks me and gets on the phone, not taking a moment to stop what he's doing to me. I begin to cry as another man walks in the room. He lays a heavy bag on the table, and pops up a metal chair facing the bed.

"I need your help." The man with me says to the other. He nods. "Hold her down while I get this over with." He says, still doing it. I feel my insides burn. He's hurting me... Something isn't right in me. The other man does as he is told, and holds me down. I try to squirm away, but its of no use. His grip is strong and tight. I'm not going anywhere.

After an hour of horror, John walks in. He looks down at me and smile, making me feel cold.

"Hey darling. I see they are giving you quite the treat now aren't they?" He asks. Tears fill my eyes. Treat? They're doing this against my will... I don't want this.

"Help me..." I cry out. He laughs.

"I wouldn't mind getting some. I mean, you wouldn't mind, now would you, Faith?" He says. I begin to sob as I try to close my legs. One of the men holds them apart. He's much stronger than I am. John pulls down his pants and does his business. He finishes, and pats my cheek. "You've always been so good about this." He says. I feel ill. My pain level is through the roof. It hurts when ever they start.

"What should we do boss?" The not nearly as scary man says.

"Matt, I gotta go tell Tim to wait on her to come back. Can't have him looking around for you, now can we?" John says, smiling at me. I spit towards him. He widens his eyes. "Wow. Hey Jason, throw her around a bit for me." He says, pointing to the one who originally grabbed me. I feel fear as John leaves the room. Jason throws me to the ground, and begins to pound punches into my torso and head.

Another hour later, Tim comes in. He stands in the doorway for a moment, unnoticed. I thank god that he's managed to find me. I've gone numb. I can't feel anything... I guess that's a godsent giving our current situation. He suddenly throws Jason to the ground and beats him. Matt remains holding onto me, as I try to see if Tim's okay. It doesn't seem like Matt's going to jump into this. Tim turns, hands covered in blood, and now goes after Matt. He beats him, until Jason emerges behind Tim with a knife. Tim's eyes express horror, as he tries to think of a solution.

"Baby..." He says helplessly to me.

"I'll do anything. Just don't hurt him" I offer. The guys take up my offer, and Jason demands Matt take me to another room. I feel sick as I hear Tim scream down the hall. I can't lose him...

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