Chapter 7

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I was still holding on to Tanner as my ears popped like non stop and I decided to put my head on his shoulder.

"You alright?"

"Yeah but my ears keep getting popped. But anyways we are over Mexico but on the border going into Cali."  I do have feelings for Tanner like big time even though we are close friends and I'm afriad that is gonna fuck up our friendship.

"Hey I got a question?" I said.

"Ask me away."

"Okay well ummm...... Do you see us being together?"

"Since we met until now so yeah. Why you asking?"

"I'll tell you later. I just got to get over Cameron."

"Think about him getting that bitch pregnant."

"Your right. But yeah I still like you."

"Oh same. I'm not tryna rush things you know we just finally seen each other. Your amazing, beautiful, flawless, helpful, and outgoing. Your my best friend for 18 years. I'm always gonna be here for you no matter what. Fuck Cameron cuz if he tries to come and get you back I'm going to fight him. Your not his anymore since he got her pregnant cuz you don't want kids. He will have a family with her now not you. I understand you don't want any children but I'm not gonna force you too. We both have a life and for him to pure pressure you to have children ain't right. Listen,  your best friend came here to save you better yet you saved yourself and came to me."

"Im not coming home. My house is all his. "

"Put it under his name not leave it under yours cuz your pretty much paying it for him when he can."

"Your right. I feel stupid. But how do I do it? "

"I'll do it for you. I know Cameron by heart and know all his information. I gotchu. "

"Ight bet best friend.  How long is this plane ride? "

"2hrs cuz its the same to fly out to New Jersey."

"Oh okay. So what do we do when we get to the house?"

"Get to know everyone and chill. Go in the pool if you like. "

"I had Chinese food so I'm good. " I looked at my phone and it was 7pm.

"I gotta eat but idk what I want though. My appetite wants Krispy Creme and yes I know it's donuts. "

"Do what your taste buds want. If not we can go to a buffet. "

"I'm not really a fan. Maybe McDonald's I want hmm idk. "

"Ah shit I have my car in your driveway and I have my keys with me."

"It's alright I can easily get one of them to drive it get here for you. "

"Nah it's alright I like your Raptor. "

"Oh ight. I got you Guaczilla and you like my raptor. Wanna switch? " He said jokingly.

"Nah I'm alright I like Guaczilla better. "

"Oh okay. Well your birthday is coming up and I was gonna ask you sum. "

"You can ask me. "

"Okay so umm...  what kind of car do you want?"

"I have one I'm okay with my gtr. But your gonna kill me though. It's no longer a Guaczilla anymore."

"Its alright I have another one. Im not mad at all. If you changed it a different color I'll be gladly to see it."

"Well.. you might like the colors since I support you. Wanna see?" I took my phone out and showed him the new color. His mouth dropped.

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