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Cover my eyes cover my ears

Tell me these words are a lie

It can't be true that I'm loosing you

The sun cannot fall from the sky

Can you hear a hidden cry

The tears of an angel

The nurses told me I could see him but he wasn't awake yet. I sat next to him on the chair closest to his bed. He looks so cute when he's sleeping. I felt my eyes tear up watching him lay there helpless.

5 hours later

I was just sitting there talking to him hoping he could hear me then all i heard was beep beep....beep.....beep....beeeeeeeeeeeee-

I cried and pushed the button to call up the nurses I held him close crying they told me I had to leave the room so I sat right outside the door. Mitch and Jerome stopped by and sat next to me.

"Hey dood it's okay he's gonna be fine I promiss" Jerome rubbed my back.

"I know" I replied "its just-" I stope talking and my throat felt sore I bursts into tears. They both hugged me and sat by me comforting me.

(Sorry for time skips buuuut)

The next day Sky's Pov still

I woke up I the sound of smashing and pounding an ran into the room Deadlox was ripping the cords out of his arm and hid under/behind the bed shaking. The nurse was trying to calm him down but he kept pushing her away and smacking her hand. I ran up to him.

"Hey it's okay its safe here okay" I said in the calmest voice I could.

"Where is this" he asked panic in his voice he hasn't been to a hospital before.

"It's a hospital" I replied "they help you feel better. Okay?" I felt like I was talking to a child but I really didn't mind he seemed calmer. "Can you get back into bed now and let her put in the stuff?"

"I-if you're sure." He said and sat back in the bed as the nurse put the things back in his arm he flinched back and tightly closed his eyes. He was so cute just like a child so pure and innocent but that man took that innocence away it's horrible how some people can be. After the nurse left I gave him my iPod so he could do some things like games or social media. He seemed interested in some games and liked playing them we talked as time passed by and he fell asleep the nurse said he could be out tomorrow so after he settles down in going to take him out with everyone to do something fun. I kissed him on the forehead and fell asleep in the chair.

Sorry buddercakes I suck at writing but I don't know how long this'll be I'm probably gonna write a Pewdiecry fanfic based off a Pewdiecry dream I had which is really dumb but cute so yea i suck luv ya bye

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