"I don't know―" she stopped in front of the small mirror, analyzing her clothes and face, "for fuck's sake! You've got to be kidding me," frustrated, she pulled on the noticeable cigarette burn in her white shirt, ruining the only outfit she had. "Why did we even smoke? What the fuck!?" Her hands covered her sleepy face, pulling the skin a bit as the hands slid down.

She hadn't noticed that the man had got to his feet, glancing at her through the mirror, seeing the burn as well. When the fingers were away from her eyes, she opened them, watching through the reflection that he was searching for something in his closet. He took a shirt with dark grey and lighter tone stripes, which crossed over each other creating squares. He tossed it her way and she grabbed it, accepting that this was her only option. The shirt itself wasn't so bad, it was cool, but her favorite thing was that it smelled like him.


Her hands went for her ruined shirt, ready to take it off when she realized he was still in the room. Turning around, she was ready to ask for the bathroom but he realized what she was trying to do, "I guess I should leave now. I'll knock on the door," he waltzed out, closing the door behind him.

Dan wasted no time and unbuttoned her shirt, tossing it to the side. Her eyes scanned her torso, catching a glimpse of a blue miniature bag hiding in her brassiere. She took it out, chuckling at the memory of Klaus insisting that she should try that one alone when she needed a boost of energy. Putting it back where it was, now feeling its existence, she shrugged on the shirt, buttoning it all the way up. She felt too private with the fabric covering all the way to her neck, so she unbuttoned one, then two. There was no need to look professional in front of this family, they were anything but.

After checking herself out one last time, she went for the door and opened it, being welcomed by the smell of a spliff. He was leaning against the wall, exhaling some smoke. He had thrown on a long, black jacket and a purple scarf as an excuse for an outfit, maybe if it wasn't so messy it would look good. Dan took the burning stick out of his mouth, making him believe that she was going to have some, and dropped it to the floor, stepping on it.

"W-what the hell?" He sounded hurt, sadly looking at the ashes of his drug, accepting that he wouldn't get another inhale from it.

"You're not starting your day like this," she nodded towards the stairs, signaling that they should go have some breakfast. Smiling falsely, he motions for her to go ahead, only to shove two pills in his mouth behind her back. They both make it to the kitchen, not having a word with each other.

Luther sat at the end of the table, arms crossed and two cups of tea in diagonal of him, one in front of the other. Klaus took the closest seat, making Dan walk around the table to the other chair. The junkie takes a bottle of what seemed like vodka and was ready to add it when the caring woman grabbed his arm, stopping him.

"Are you kidding me? First the blunt, now this?"

He only shrugs and gets out of her grasp, mixing the two drinks. Rolling her eyes, she took a sip from her tea, expecting some warm, sweet liquid to go into her mouth. Instead, it was cold, sour; and it ruined her morning. There's nothing better than an amazing, tasteful breakfast but she wasn't having one, maybe Klaus had a better experience with it since he added another flavor.

Dan forced herself to finish it, trying not to look rude. Luther must have noticed at some point though, but brushed it away, not really wanting to get his mind deep into other unimportant stuff. There was only one goal in his head: get the family together so they could discuss an important matter. The room was quiet until Klaus finished his mixture, letting out a loud exhale, "get some comfortable shoes, we're going to walk a lot," 'Number One' ordered them, standing up and taking their cups. Neither of the two moved, assuming their footwear was comfortable enough. "Guess we should start looking for Five now. Let's go," again, they stayed still but shot up when he coughed loudly.

 𝐋𝐄𝐓'𝐒 𝐊𝐈𝐋𝐋 𝐓𝐎𝐍𝐈𝐆𝐇𝐓 ― k. hargreeves Where stories live. Discover now