Enjoy the Show...

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Mat's POV:

This is disaster. An only big disaster!

I failed to stop Madpat from taking over my body.

I failed to warn Steph about him.

I failed to stop him from attacking her.

I am a totally failure. Yeah, that's what I am!

"Oh, come on Matthew, don't be such a crybaby! I did nothing to her, she is just sleeping. Nothing to be worry about!" Madpat says while he carries Steph down to the basement.

"Nothing to be worry about?! You terrified her and freaking stunned her!" I cry in my mind.

"That's nothing! I assure you, that this is nothing, in contrast what I am able to do with her!" he says as he reached the last stair. In the room are a chair and a bunch of ropes.

"I swear, when you harm her in any way, I-" I begin to say.

"You what? You kill me? Sorry Matthew, but I think you're not really in a good situation to say that." he interrupts me and laughs.

I stay quite. I don't want to see what he does to her. I don't want to see how Steph suffers.

He ties her to the chair and puts a gag in her mouth and a blindfold over her eyes and ties both at the back of her head with a knot.

He steps back and looks with a big smile on his "work".

"Well, let's have some fun, shall we..."

Steph's POV:

I am in complete darkness. But I appreciate it. It's better than suffering.

I slowly start to lift my head. Where am I? What happened? I can't remember anything.

Then it hit me like a shock. The memories are coming back. Mat's insane grin. The syringe.

Tears begin to run down my face.

Then a hand touchs my right shoulder. I begin to struggle, but the hand holds me in place. I want to scream, but the gag in just let out muffled sounds.

"Shhh, everything is alright darling. Don't be scared." someone says in my ear.

The voice sounds very familiar, but I couldn't say who it was.

After I stop to struggle the blindfold and the gag are removed from my face. Only to look into the eyes of my tormentor. It was Madpat. He looked like Mat. He was wearing a white lab coat and black cloves.

I begin to scream: "HELP! PLEASE, SOMEBODY HELP!"

Madpat quickly puts his hand on my mouth and takes out a knife.

"ANOTHER WRONG WORD and I will hurt you, do you understand me?!" he yells in my face.

He holds the knife at my neck. I quickly nod and he takes his hand away from my mouth.

"W-What do you want from me? I ask.

"What I want from you? Originally nothing! But now, thank to your curiosity, you brought you in really bad situation..." he starts, clearly annoyed of my question.

He puts his knife away and continues his sentences.

"...I know that Matthew loves you, Stephanie! How couldn't he. You're his wife. But exactly this is the problem. You're the only reason why he fights me and to completely break him, you need to SUFFER!"

With the word "suffer" he slaps me with full power in the face. A concentraded load of pain permeates my entire face. I try to hold the tears back and look away from him.

He grabs my chin and forces me to look into his complete, black pitched eyes.

"But don't be afraid my dear. The pain will not be for long. Mat is already depressed like a little 8 year old boy. It will not take long to break him." Madpat says, with a big smile beginning to form over his face.

He begins to hold the knife over my left arm.

"Let's see how much you can take in!" he laughs.

I scream loudly when he begins to cut a long line over my arm. The pain flows through my entire body.

As he is finished to cut my arm, he makes the exactly same cut at the other arm. I scream again and i am begging him to stop, but he only enjoys my pain.

As he finishes he steps back and looks at me with a big grin.

Suddenly he begins to hold his head and drops the knife. He falls to his knees, still holding his head.

"Stop it MadPat! You're hurting her!" he yells.

I look at him confused. What happens to him?

"Well, that is my plan you idiot, did you not listen what I said before?"

"She's not used to such pain! STOP IT IMMEDIATLY!"

"Ok, fine, I will give you 8 hours with her! No more second! Then I am back in control!"

Then Madpat stops yelling. He stands up and slowly comes towards me.

I begin to struggle again. I'm not sure, if it is Mat. It could also be trick.

"N-No! N-No! P-Please don't hurt me! NO!" I yell at him.

Then he places his hands carefully on my shoulders.

"Calm down Steph. It's me Mat." he says calm.

I stop struggle but I'm still shaking in fear, that he could hurt me.

"H-How can I be sure that you're really Mat? It could also be a trick!" I yell in his face.

"Steph....it's me....please believe me..." tears start to flow down his face.

I look in his brown eyes. It is really him!

He begins to untie me. Calm and carefully.

As he's finished, I hug him, still shaking in fear.

I-I-I h-have m-missed y-y-o-ou so much." I say while I cry in his shoulder.

"I missed you too, honey..." he says.

Suddenly I feel becoming more and more drowsy.

I try to fight it, but I become weaker and weaker. The last words I hear before I black out are:

"Please Steph, stay with me!"


Well, here is the 3 chapter. I only wanted to say that I probably will release the next chapters every weekend.

See you in next chapter! Peace!


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