The dark inside of everyone...

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Two nights later....

Mat's POV:

What is going on here?? I asked myself as I sit in my recording room while I am watching the views of the last video I posted two days ago.

The video made a million of views in only 2 days! That was incredible!

A big smile begins to form around my entire face. I am scrolling down the comments, until I see a comment, who gets my attention.

"Did anyone also saw Madpat at 6:56??" it said.

I was confused. Who the hell was Madpat? Did the viewers made an alternative ego for me? But when the answer is Yes. Why? I never really showed a "dark side" like Mark did it with Darkiplier or Jack with Antisepticeye.

Well, one time in the FNAF Musical I played the "Phone Guy". But I don't think, that this is enough to create and entire alternative ego of me.

I scrolled through the replies on the comment. They all say that they saw him.

I clicked on the time. My screen began to flicker immediatly.

After 5 seconds of just flickering the computer goes black and shut itself down.

I sit in my chair, scared and confused of what happened. I stand up and look for the source of the problem. But no wires were damaged or loose. The screen was also alright, no damage and no scratch. The lights are on, so also it couldn't a power failure. But what is the reason that my computer just shuts itself down?

I sit back into my chair and looked on my phone to look for a solution.

But when I start my phone it begins to flicker just like the computer. What in freaking hell was going on?!

After the phone stops to flicker, the lights go off and I hear a sound of someone locking a door.

I quickly stand up and run to the door. I try everything to open the door, but it doesn't help at all.

Then I hear it. The dark, male laugh. The same laugh I heared 2 days ago.

"Oh Matthew, do you want to leave the party already?" the voice echoed through the entire room.

"WHERE ARE YOU? COME OUT OF YOUR HIDEPLACE!" I yell into the darkness.

"Oh Matthew, you poor little idiot, I am not hiding, I already here!"

I feel a bunch of burning pain coming from inside of my body. I fall on my knees and scream as loud as I can. I fall to ground, still screaming and begging that somebody stops it! Then a men appears infront of me.

"PLEASE! HELP ME! MAKE IT STOP!" I yell at the person standing infront of me.

But he only laughs and enjoys my pain.

"Well, my dear Matthew, this happens when you try to escape from a unescapeable party!" the man says.

"PLEASE, WHOEVER YOU ARE! MAKE IT STOP!" I shout, still tortured of the sharp pain.

Then I hear the man snap his fingers and the pain begins to fade away. I want to stand up. But I am to weak to move. I slowly feel my eyes getting heavier and before I fall in complete darkness I can hear one last sentence of the man.

"Just sleep, just dream Matthew, because the nightmare will be soon set free!"

Steph's POV:

I sit on the couch while watching TV. I am worried about Mat. He did not come out of his recording for hours.

I sit up and go to the door of his recording room. I knock on the door.

"Mat, honey, don't you want to come out of that room? You're in there for hours!"

No answer.

I open the door and I find a completly destroyed room. The lights were broken on the ground and the pinwall what he had was on the other end of the room. The chair on the ground with broken weels.

No sign of Mat.

I go around the entire room. There must have been a fight in here. There's no other reason for Mat's room being so destroyed. I had a bad feeling while as am watching all the broken stuff.

I go to his PC, which was still on but he had a big crack on the screen.

But the thing that scares me more, is the bloodred word that is written on the screen.


As I read the name the door shuts with a big, loud slam.

I turn around, only seeing Mat standing at the closed door, with a big evil grin and blood on his hands and a sryinge with purple liquid inside of it in his right hand.

"M-Mat a-are okay?? I stumbled out

I take a few steps backwards as "Mat" comes nearer.

"Oh, my dear little Stephanie... Matthew is gone! But I think we will have a lot of fun together!" "Mat" says as he takes one more step.

I fall to the ground as I stumble over a the broken chair. I crawl fast and fast breathing and bump against the wall.

"M-Mat what bad joke is this?!" I yell at him.

He only chuckles at my question.

"Little girl, don't you understand?...I'M...NOT...MATTHEW!"

He grabs my throat with his left hand and pins me against the ground, still with the same insane grin on his normally friendly face.

"W-W-Who a-a-are y-y-o-u? I say hard breathing. Tears are beginning to run down my face.

"It's not important for you who I am. But you can call me Madpat." Madpat says, clearly amused about my pain.

Then he pulls the syringe nearer and nearer to my neck.

I begin to struggle, but Madpat keeps me pinning at the wall with a strong grip. I try to move my head away, but he grabs my hair and holds my head still.

"Don't be afraid my pretty girl, it will only hurt for a moment!" he says as he injects the liquid into my neck.

I feel the liquid flow through my intire body as my sight begins to become more and more blurry and I drift into unconsciousness.

He's here, he's there, he's everywhere! Who do you call? Psycho Madpat!Where stories live. Discover now