chapter 11

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You walk to the door and open it for her. She runs into your arms and you stand there hugging for a while. Then you let go of each other.
Y/bff/n: I missed you so much.
You: I missed you to. I am so happy you live in LA now to.
Y/bff/n: wauw I wish I lived here, this house is dope.
You: yeah it’s and have you seen the view it’s amazing.
Y/bff/n: no not yet but I would like a tour.
You: sure we have time for that.
You go inside and you take her to the kitchen to introduce her to Jonah and Daniel.
You: so guys this is y/bff/n.
Jonah: hey y/bff/n I'm Jonah, y/n her brother.
Y/bff/n: hey nice to meet you.
‘hey I'm Daniel, a friend of Jonah and y/n.’ Daniel says while looking at you with a little smile which makes you smile and your cheeks turn red.
Y/bff/n: hey nice to meet you. So you live here with them?
You: yeah with them and 3 other guys but they’re still asleep.
Y/bff/n: alright then I meet them tonight, I guess.
You: oh yeah guys I haven’t seen y/bff/n very long so asked her if she wanted to sleep here, is that okay?
Jonah: yeah of course why not.
You: great, but I think we need to go now.
Y/bff/n: yeah, you’re right.
You&y/bff/n: see you later guys.
And you both walk out the door and get in the car.

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