chapter 5

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You’re just walking through the city when you see a whole bunch of ppl standing around something. You walk closer to see what it is and see that it is a guy performing with his guitar. You keep listening bc he sings really beautiful and he plays also very good guitar and he also looks kinda hot. After a few minutes he stops playing and goes around with his hat and of course almost everyone gives him some money, you give him some to. Then ppl start walking away and he starts to pack his things so you decided to go talk to him.
You: hey.
??: hey.
You: what you just played was really beautiful. Did you write it yourself?
??: yeah, but I got some help. I am glad you liked it now I have at least one beautiful girl who likes my music.
You: well thanks, and I am sure much more pretty girls like your music.
??: I don’t know if there are any prettier girls actually.
You start blushing so you look down what makes him smile.
??: you are cute when your shy. What's your name?
You: my name is y/n.
??: that’s a really pretty name. My name is Cas.
You: that’s also a pretty name and one you don’t hear very often in Amerika.
Cas: that’s true but that is probably bc of my mother she comes from the Netherlands and you hear the name more often there.
You: that’s true when I was in the Netherlands, I knew 2 guys which name was Cas and I only lived there two years.
Cas: really you lived in the Netherlands?
You: well I traveled the whole world but yeah I lived a few years in the Netherlands.
Cas: that’s so cool I hope I get that opportunity to one day.
You: I hope it for you to, but I have to go now bc it’s getting late.
Cas: yeah, I got to go home to, bye.
You: bye.
You walk back home bc it’s getting really late, the sun is going down already. *have I been gone so long* you think. When you come home Jonah immediately starts to scream your name.
Jonah: y/n! Is that you?
You: yes jo it's me!
Jonah: omg y/n I was so worried. Where have you been?
You: I was just walking through the city.
Jack: Y/n!!!!!!!!!!
You: yesssss??!!
Jack: come on we're going to teach you how to play Fortnite.
You: okay.
Jack: wait you are really okay with that?? Great lets go.
Jack takes you to the living room where Daniel and Zach are already waiting for you. What they didn't knew was that you are actually pretty good at Fortnite so they don't have to teach you much.

OverprotectiveNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ