Chapter Thirty Two - The Sleepover Party

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"Hey." Lucas said to Anna giving her a quick kiss as she sat down next to him under the big oak tree near the lake. "You want to do something fun tonight?" He asked, as it was Friday and all of their classes were done for the day. "Sorry I can't." Anna said appoligetically."I have that sleepover party with  the girls tonight." Lucas sighed."Oh yeah. I forgot about that. Guess that's what I get for only having friends that are girls." Anna laughed."I'm sure there are some Hufflepuffs that would hang out with you tonight." Lucas sighed again."Nah." He said sadly. "Most of them are just afraid of me." Anna bused out laughing."What's so funny?" Lucas asked pretending to be offended. "Just." Anna said still laughing."The thought of you being scary." She said gasping for air as tears rolled down her cheeks. "Hey I can be scary if I want to." Lucas said."I am a Lestrange after all." This only led to Anna laughed even harder. Lucas got up from his sitting position. "That's it." He said.

Lucas picked up his laughing girlfriend and walked carrying her over to the lake. "Lucas stop!" Anna said still laughing as he chucked her into the lake. Her head popped out of the water and Lucas started laughing too. "Come on you idiot help me out." She said after they were done laughing. Lucas held out his hand to her. Anna took it, but instead of climbing out she pulled him in with her. The two of them spent the rest of the afternoon laughing and splashing in the water. "It's fun to just laugh and play around." Anna thought to herself as the couple climbed out of the lake. "It's fun to imagine that we are just children again with not a care in the world." Lucas smiled at Anna's wet hair and dripping face. He loved that girl with everything he had.

"Come on." Anna said. "I need to go to my dormatory to pack my sleepover bag." Lucas followed Anna to the slytherin comment room and walked up the girls dormatory stairs to Anna's room. Lucas sat on a char in the corner and shivered as Anna threw a change of clothes at him. "Why are my clothes in you're room?" He asked."Honestly I have no clue." Anna did laughing. They both changed into dry clothes and then Anna put some things into a big duffel bag that she had pulled out from under her bed. She quickly zipped up the bag and the too of them left the room heading toward the Hufflepuff dorm. "Alright." Lucas said. "Have fun. I'll see you tomorrow." Anna grinned and kissed him on the cheek before walking up the stairs to the girls dorm.

"Anna!" Isla said happily as Anna entered the room." Ella smiled and waved as well. "I made sure that we did this on a night that everyone was out." Ella said."That way the three of us could have the place to ourselves." Anna grinned."Where are they all?" She asked."Two of them are going home because it's a long weekend and I'm pretty sure Sara is spending the night with her boyfriend." Anna smiled."This is going to be so much fun." She said.

After playing exploding snap a few times (all of which Anna had won) the girls all piled on Ella's bed and began to chat. "So Anna how's Lucas?" Isla asked with a smirk on her face. Anna blushed. "He's still there." Ella laughed."He was complaining today that we were all having a slumber party and he has nothing to do." Isla laughed."Doesn't he have any guy friends?" Anna pondered this for a moment. "Not really." She replied.  "Before we met you guys it was just me and him." Anna said."And before that neither of us really had any friends." Ella smiled."Outcasts who find echother." She said."How romantic." Anna smiled. "I suppose so. Although things have been pretty hectic lately. Anna updated the girls on what had been happening with the letter, gaining a few oohs and ahhs at the part with Harry Potter. The three girls fell asleep around three in the morning all spread out on various beds. Anna woke up some time in the night and glanced over at the bed beside her. Some time in the night Isla must have moved to Ella's bed as the girls were laying beside each other and looked like they had fallen asleep holding hands. Anna's last thought before she drifted off again was how fun it would be to go on double dates with the four of them and she fell asleep with a smile on her face.

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