Chapter Thirty One - The Meeting

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It was a Tuesday morning and Anna and Lucas were walking to potions when they were stopped in the hallway by proffeser McGonnagall. "Ms. Miller, Mr. Lestrange" She called out. "Will you please come to my office?" Anna and Lucas glanced at echother and followed proffeser McGonnagall to her office. "I'll let proffeser Slughorn know where you are." She said. Anna and Lucas were to nervous to speak. In the past couple of weeks they hardly thought about anything but the threatning letter they had received on Christmas Eve.

"Take a seat please." Proffeser McGonnagall said."And for goodness sake Mr. Lestrange, fix your tie." Lucas smiled humbly and tried to fix his tie, only to mess it up farther. Anna gave a small laugh and quickly tied it for him. Professor McGonnagall looked at Lucas disapprovingly and then left the room. "I'll be back in a moment." She said, closing the door behind her.

Lucas and Anna glanced at echother. "I wonder what she's gone to do." Anna said. But before Lucas could answer the door burst open and proffeser McGonnagall was followed in by three people. Anna and Lucas's eyes widened at the three figures standing before them. Hermione Granger (the minister whom they has already met.) Ron Weasly (who they recognized from books) and the one and only Harry Potter. Lucas's mouth dropped open and Anna just stared shocked. "Close your mouth Mr. Lestrange it's rude." Proffeser McGonnagall snapped. Lucas quickly closed his mouth and Ron smirked in amusement. "Hello Lucas, Anna." Hermione said."It's nice to see you again. This is my husband Ron and this is Harry."

Ron and Harry smiled at the children and then Harry turned to proffeser McGonnagall. "Proffeser," He started. "Can I take a look at that letter?" Proffeser McGonnagall rumeged in her desk and puller out the piece of parchment with the red ink. The Trio read it over quickly and Hermione and Ron looked at Harry. Harry examined the dark mark drawn on the paper again. "I can't be sure." He said."But I don't think death eaters would be stupid enough to send a letter like this when they know there are ways of tracking where it came from." Harry looked up from the paper and locked eyes with Hermione. "Unless of course they want us to know where they are." Ron stayed silent and then looked between his wife and best friend. "You don't think it's really them do you?" He asked sounding terrified. "There's no way to know for sure." Hermione said."But there is one person who might know some." Said Harry."Malfoy?" Ron asked reluctantly. "Malfoy." Hermione confirmed. Harry turned to Lucas and Anna. "Were going to meet with an old friend of ours who may know what's going on, and we'll get back to you. For now it's probably best that you don't leave the castle for a while." Anna and Lucas groaned internally. "I know that's a bit of a pain but we want to try and keep you safe." We'll get back to you as soon as we can." Hermione said looking at the children fondly.

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