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Namjoon ~

Seokjin said he was kinda proud of his video, and gave me the okay to upload it to the website. Now I have to watch it over, add in the intro and endscreen, and everything else.

I went into my office and closed the door, I didn't hear it click so I assume not all the way. But Jin was asleep, so it didn't really matter.

I sat in my chair and opened my laptop on my desk. I connected my camera and uploaded the footage. A box appeared on the screen, the thumbnail was Jin on the couch.

I decided to press play to see what I was working with, and fuck I was sure I felt a change in tempeture.

He looked adorable with the white stockings. I, uh, I mean he looked hot. Yes, that.

I couldn't help but stare. His rich, bright skin seemed so soft to the touch. Not to mention he had the lips of a pornstar.

I heard his giggle in the recording, his finger in his mouth, and then his hand reaching further south of himself.

I couldn't help as I bet my lip, feeling my blood pressure rise. My pants tightened, and I almost had to fight the urge to tough myself. No, I thought, I have to finish editing. I just decided that if I ever needed to rub one out, I always had both his videos and the actual actor in my house.

As the video went on, Jin's moans grew louder. And I leaned in more and more, biting my lip. But then I heard a voice at the door.

"I get it, I'm hot, but you know I live here, right?" He chuckled from the doorway, and walked inside and sat on my lap, "You could literally just ask me to ride your dick." I didn't know where his sudden confidence had come from, but I definitely didn't mind it.

"Shut up," I said embarrassed. Jin wrapped his arms around my neck and gave me a small smile. "Hey," I said back in my confident self, "It's nice outside. You wanna go to the park?"

He smiled, "Sure, just let me go put shoes on."

I hopped out of my office and ran downstairs. I liked spending time with Jin, but, it's not like I liked him. He's just good company.

That's all.

I grabbed my keys as Jin and I walked out the door and into my car. "I haven't been to the park in so long!" He said, throwing his arms up excitedly. Jin was so happy, like a kid in a candy store.

"You're excited for an adult." I said, he punched my arm. "Why?"

"Just, because everyone likes them" he said fast and looked out the window. I could easily tell he was avoiding the question. "What did the slide say to the kids?" I raised my eyebrow at him. "Nothing, they muffled it's voice by sitting on it!" Jin laugh a squeaky laugh that I normally wouldn't stand to hear. But it suited him, and I couldn't help but laugh with him.

However, I still wondered why he shut my question down so fast. But I decided not to press it since the last time I did, I was in the doghouse.

But it's not like his feelings mattered to me.

"This doesn't look like a park," Jin said crossing his arms.

I parked, "Relax, sugar, we need somethin' to munch on if we show up here spontaneously. People will think we're creeps or something if we don't at least have a picnic there."

"You're right," he said.

I stepped out of the car and bought a pizza quickly, then handed it to him. I kept driving and soon we were at a park.

Seokjin grinned from ear to ear and was practically jumping out of the car in a heartbeat. "You're practically vibrating, and I don't remember shoving any toys up your ass," I said in a low voice but joking. I wish I had. Jin blushed red but laughed nonetheless.

We sat down at a picnic tabke and opened the pizza box. We dug in. "Namjoon, why did you get into porn of all industries?"

"Well," I swallowed a bite, "Sex is great, I'm great, at it, ha!" I said laughing at my joke, "But on a real note, yeah sex is great and if it makes people feel good, is consensual and legal, I don't see a problem with it. I figured I'd give people good quality porn. I don't know," I said dismissing it. I didn't really wanna talk about it because I felt a sad weight on my chest because of my family. Of course I wouldn't let him know that. "Are you almost done eating so we can go crush it on those slides or what?" I joked.

He nodded vigorously and swallowed a bite, "Hurry your ass up!" He said and ran with his slice of pizza towards the swings.

I threw away the empty pizza box and jogged to catch up to him. He was sitting on a swing, but not swinging. "Kim Seokjin, do you not know how to use a swing?"

He blushed, "N-no, but in my defense, I've never been to a park."

I went wide eyed, "You've never been to a park?! I just took your park virginity!"

"Namjoon, never say that again."

I sat down at the swing next to his and started pumping my legs, "Here just watch what I'm doing and copy."

He did as told, like a good little sub, "Like this?"

"Yeah, you're getting the hang of it." He smiled small, and I returned it. "Hey look! You're moving up!"

He looked down at the ground and smiled. Not as high as me, but high enough to make him happy at least. I know he'd feel better if he was higher than me because he wants to crush me, but this was good for now.

After a while of chatting as he gradually got to the same height as me, my legs got tired. He let gravity do it's job and slowly bring him down. I did the same, but jumped off the swing. He looked at me like I was crazy.

"Slide?" I asked.

"Slide!" He nodded.

We walked over to it, thankfully the park was empty besides the basketball court and the field, so the pizza was useless but appreciated. I would die if parents saw me going up the playground and down a slide.

There were two slides, and we stopped right infront of them. "Race ya!" Jin yelled as he climbed full speed up the ladder.

"Oh no you don't!" I yelled doing the same as he. "I have longer legs!"

We made it to the slides at the same time and looked at each other, with a nod, we let go and went down. "Woo!" Jin yelled, he really was happy, it was cute. We got to the bottom and jumped out, Jin before I did. He jumped up and down out of kid like joy, "I won! I won!"

"Oh yeah, yeah, I totally let you win, Coconut head."

"Sure you did!" He said sarcastically.

Sorry for the wait! I didn't mean to take so long!

Go listen to DREAMCATCHER's comeback its bomb

K Thanks

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