"Margot..." Willa tried her best not to let out a moan at how nice the kisses felt as Margot began to go down to her collarbone. "As much as I like this, I'm trying to make us food here and would really like to not make a mess." She turned her head to try be face to face with Margot so she could kiss her lips. They share a brief kiss before Margot released her, mockingly pouting but when Willa shook her head towards her, Margot broke out into laughter and went to go sit on the bar stools at the kitchen counter.

The blonde leaned her elbows on the counter with her head resting on top of closed fists as she watched Willa moving around the kitchen, frying the cut up bacon on one pan and cooking the scrambled eggs on the other pan. As she cooked, the brunette pulled the aforementioned juice from the fridge and poured both herself and Margot a glass, placing them both on the counter.

Willa smirked to herself. "Did you know that once you have sex with a woman, you can never go back to having it with a man?"

"Oh really?" Margot asked, trying her best to act surprised as she lifted up her glass to take a sip.

"Oh yeah, it's a proven fact for sure." Willa stated as she turned her back on Margot to resume her cooking.

"So if it's true then, why did a bunch your hookups in college end up with the girl going back to her ex-boyfriend or getting with some other guy?" Margot asked teasingly, knowing that she'd get some sort of reaction out of the comic book store owner.

Willa turned around on her heels. "Well, I didn't say that it related entirely to my case but I just know that it's just so much tougher to go back to having sex with men after being with a woman."

"Ah, okay. I get it now." Margot said before chuckling.

"Besides, most of the girls I hooked up in college were experimenting." Willa said as she resumed to her cooking. "But I'm sure I internet stalked some recently and like three of them had pictures on their Instagram with captions involving them hanging out their actual girlfriends they were in relationships with and full on making out in pictures so perhaps you can always go back to women after briefly being with men again."

"Ok, I'll take your word for it." Margot said with a grin as she carried on sipping at her drink.

It was then that the doorbell rang. As Willa was cooking, Margot stood up from the bar stool. "I'll go get it. You keep on cooking." She then cheerfully almost skipped to the staircase.

Willa took the food off of the element to go check who it was at the door. Once she almost reached the top of the staircase, Margot had reached the door and was opening it up. It was then that their guest at the door made themselves known by the large amounts of yelling and bright flashes of the light both capturing a post-sexy times looking Margot and the equally looking similar Willa who stood at the top of the staircase, frozen in her tracks.

"Margot! Who's the mysterious woman?"

"Are you a lesbian now?"

"Is it true that you're hooking up with her?"

"What about Grant?"

Although the door was only opened for the smallest amount of time, it felt like forever. They had likely gotten hundreds of photos all in as both women were in absolute shock at the sight before them that Margot couldn't bring herself to quickly shut the door behind her. Once she did though, she was quick to rush back upstairs and head immediately past Willa to head back down to the bedroom.

Willa was quick to follow, calling for Margot to come back but when she entered the bedroom, she was met with Margot stripping out of Willa's clothes and trying to find the remains of her clothing. Her phone was laying nearby and once she'd put her underwear on, she began calling up a number on her phone.

BROOKLYN HEIGHTS | Margot RobbieWhere stories live. Discover now