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If Pendanski was scared when he saw Stanley at the visitor table, he looks positively terrified to see Hector sitting there as well.

For a full minute Stanley thinks he's going to run, then he squares his shoulders and comes to sit with them.

He has a scar on his face that Stanley didn't notice before, a fine silvery line that cuts diagonally across his nose and left cheek.

Exactly where Hector hit him with that shovel.

Under the table, Hector grips Stanley's hand.

"I sure am getting a lot of visitors this week," Pendanski says weakly.

Stanley only regards him coldly.

"Stanley," Pendanski tries. "It's nice to see you again. And Ze-"

Pendanski breaks off suddenly under Stanley's glare.

He coughs.

"Hector," he amends. "You too."

For a long moment no one speaks, then Hector says, very quietly, "I'm here because I'm not afraid of you anymore."

Stanley brushes his thumb across the back of Hector's hand, encouraging him to continue.

"I know I am going to be able to walk away from this place and never think of you again. But I have no doubt that you will have thought of me every night for the last three years, and will think of me every night for the next three years, and three years after that, and after that."

His grip on Stanley's hand is so tight it's painful, but Stanley's face is impassive.

"I'll forget you and what you did to me, but you will never be able to forget me. And that just kills you."

At Camp Green Lake, Pendanski used to tell everyone Hector was stupid, but Hector is anything but stupid. He read that article, and he knew that the small black boy of fifteen that Pendanski is accused of molesting could have been Zero. Was probably targeted for that very reason.

And from the look on Pendanski's face, Hector is completely correct.

Hector doesn't let Pendanski speak. Stanley knows that Pendanski has never heard Hector talk this much before.

"I'm also here to say that if, by some huge miscarriage of justice, you aren't found guilty, I am willing to stand up and reveal everything you did to me to get you behind bars."

Stanley stares at him, unable to hide his surprise. Did Hector just decide that, on the spot? Or was that the reason he had wanted to come here in the first place?

"There are witnesses, Pendanski," Hector is saying. "Stanley is one of them. The other members of D-Tent. Hell, practically the whole camp knew what you were doing."

He is unable to completely conceal the bitterness in his voice, and Stanley squeezes his hand.

"For a rapist, you weren't very smart."

Stanley sees the way Pendanski flinches at the word, and Hector's lips twist into an unpleasant smile.

"Don't like to hear the truth about yourself?" he asks. "Well then, let me lay it out for you. You raped and molested me every night for over three months. You abused your position of authority over me, and told me I was so unimportant that no one would care even if I did tell them. But you were wrong."

He stares at Pendanski for a moment, then turns to Stanley, his eyes sad and tired.

"Can we go home?"

Stanley is already standing, pulling Hector up with him.

Pendanski's eyes are glued to their joined hands.

Stanley doesn't let go, and Hector holds on a bit tighter.

"This is over," Hector says, and his voice doesn't shake.

Outside the prison, Hector stops suddenly and for a moment Stanley thinks he might collapse.

Stanley holds him close and whispers into his hair.

"It really is over now. It really is okay."


It's Graduation Day, and Stanley and Hector stand side by side, silly, identical grins on their faces.

They both think this is stupid, that it's lame and cheesy, but neither can stop smiling as they prepare for their final moments as high schoolers.

They've done the diplomas and neither managed to trip over their graduation gown. They've done the yearbooks, and both their hands ache from too much signing, and their own yearbooks are so full of messages they are barely legible.

They've done the team photographs, and Stanley tried not to laugh as the cheerleaders fought over who got t sit on Hector's knee, and Hector tried not to look too repulsed.

They're not going straight to college, but are travelling together round Europe first, since neither of them has ever been outside the state of Texas.

Europe seemed the farthest away.

Then they're going to NYU together. Hector once told Stanley that he would like to live in a skyscraper. NYU itself may not be a skyscraper, but it's surrounded by them.

"Congratulations, Class of 2005!" the Dean says, and Stanley catches Hector's eyes as they take their hats off and fling them high, high into the air.

And as hats rain down around them, and the official graduation photographer clicks away, Stanley reaches for Hector and pulls him into a deep kiss.

He hears gasps of surprise from around them, and is aware that their parents are watching, and realises wryly that they're probably going to be breaking some cheerleader's hearts, but he doesn't care.

Because the only nights he measures his life by now are the nights they get to spend together.

And everything is okay.

And that's it.
Just remember I didn't write this, all credit goes to roxierocks and also Louis Sachar.
I love this story so much and I hope you guys liked it too.

- Abi

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